Increase Clarity of WMS

Kyle Mulka mulka at UMICH.EDU
Mon Apr 10 14:38:09 PDT 2006

I was able to improve the quality of the image significantly when you 
zoom in by resizing and scaling the image beforehand so that mapserver 
does a very minimal amount of resampling. I decided to make it optimal 
for the second to closest zoom level. The quality is much closer to 
where I want it. Try zooming in about three zoom levels.


Clint Johnson wrote:

> Kyle,
> Your error is due to the line that says
> If you want a quality image then by all means do NOT use average 
> dithering.
> example of average dithering 
> Use one of:
> Stay away from nearest and average.
> Without having to go into Digital processing 101, using nearest or 
> average will cause your image to "chunk" when it is re-sampled (ie 
> zoomed in or out); whereas, bilinear and bicublic will give it a nice 
> "anti-aliased" look as you zoom in.
> Cheers,
> Clint

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