queryByAttributes mysql layer problem

Skalski Artur - askals Artur.Skalski at ACXIOM.COM
Wed Apr 19 06:57:53 PDT 2006

Hi All
not so long ago I was asking for some advice regarding queryByAttributes on large datasets (1 000 000 records). Thanks againf for all tips!
I finaly decided to export data to mysql, and now I'm facing another problem concerning doing queryByAttributes on the 1000000 record layer.
I try to do it as simple as possible, using phpmapscript:
the code is like:
@$qLayer->queryByAttributes($qFiled, $qValue, MS_MULTIPLE);
it works well on smaler mysql tables as well as on TAB's and SHP files
when I do qery on this largest table i can see in the Task Manager that at first mysql proces starts and it is working for a while but then it dies and php-cgi proces goes for 99% of the CPU usage the it dies too, and no results are returned.
When I do this query/selection usig just SQL in phpMyAdmin i can get the query result very fast, like 2 seconds.
I can display the largest mysql table on the map, I can query it using queryBypoint and it gives me good resluts, but somehow querybyattributes gives no results - WHY?!!
I'm using mapserver 4.6 with php/mapscipt 4.6, php is as php-cgi, and it runs on IIS.
Can someone please help?!!!
What can be the cause of this?
Best Regards


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