PNG24 output and GDAL dependency?

Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS) bartvde at XS4ALL.NL
Wed Apr 26 09:15:17 PDT 2006

Hi Frank,

okay, basically what we are trying to do is have a minimal PHP/Mapscript 
which can only act as a WMS client. So the 24 bit images are already 
received from the WMS services, and only need to be merged into 1 image.

But I guess there is no 'escaping' GDAL for that use case (btw I don't 
mean anything negative with escaping GDAL, but we want to have a really 
minimal setup for this).

Best regards,

Frank Warmerdam wrote:

> Eijnden, B. van den (Bart) wrote:
>> Hi Frank,
>> with respect to the first problem, Mapserver outputs an error message in
>> this case:
>> [26-Apr-2006 14:20:07] PHP Warning:  [MapServer Error]:
>> msDrawRasterLayerLow(): Attempt to render raster layer to IMAGEMODE 
>> RGB or
>> RGBA but without GDAL available.  24bit output requires GDAL.
>> Are you not aware of this requirement?
> Bart,
> Ah, I didn't realize you were trying to render input rasters to a 24bit
> result.  24bit raster input is only supported with GDAL enabled.  But
> you should be able to render vector data to png24 without GDAL.
> I would add that raster input capabilities are very limited without
> GDAL enabled.
> Best regards,

Bart van den Eijnden
OSGIS, Open Source GIS

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