Commercial Quality Maps and web services

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM
Tue Aug 15 08:30:50 PDT 2006

Paul Maine(ATS) wrote:
> All
> I have a commercial mapping application that I would like to use Mapserver
> as the map engine. Is their a commercial map data provider that provides web
> services that are compatible with Mapserver?
> Thank You,
> Paul

If you are asking if the data providers also provide a UMN Mapfile with 
the data, I am not aware of any. That said, I also have used Navteq, 
TeleAtlas, GDT, and DMTI data with mapserver. All these vendors offer 
data in ESRI shapefile format (or ArcView Format) which is easily usable 
with mapserver. I have also use Mapinfo formated data by converting it 
to shapefiles.

It is easy, but a little time consuming to create good looking mapfile 
for any data that has lots of layers. If you are looking at large 
quantities of map views 100K+ per day you will probably want to 
preprocess that data to optimize it for performance.


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