Extent of several (500+) TIFF images

Bruno Patini Furtado bpfurtado at GMAIL.COM
Wed Aug 16 07:19:54 PDT 2006

Thanks a lot folks! Using this program is far better than looking at
OpenJUMP. I actually used the command below :)

ogrinfo -al tilingIndex.shp | vim -

But strangely it did not show the extent of all tiles (it in fact returned
points too similar to those I got with OpenJUMP).

Just to experiment I tried changing the UNITS element from DD (decimal
degree) to METERS and to my surprise the map was fully displayed, in full
extent but it was rendered very small.
After that I tried using the Zoom in commands of the web interface of the
Demo application but MapServer returned the image in the same size every
time. I can assume this lack of zoom is due to the wrong unit I've tried,
and I don't expect the right behavior with wrong configuration of the map,
however this got me the picture in full extent.

Any hints?

On 8/16/06, Curtis W. Ruck <ruckc at yahoo.com> wrote:
> use ogrinfo with the -so option
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Curtis W. Ruck <ruckc at YAHOO.COM>
> Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2006 8:03:44 AM
> Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Extent of several (500+) TIFF images
> Or you can use the -so option instead of -al
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Bruno Patini Furtado <bpfurtado at GMAIL.COM>
> Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2006 7:30:27 AM
> Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Extent of several (500+) TIFF images
> I'm using a layer of more than 500 tiff files containing DEM information
> of a great area. I have created a tile index of all these maps using the gdaltindex
> program to use as a layer in my mapfile. It generated a .shp file along
> with a .dbf as expected.
> I'm having problems to find the proper EXTENT to my map file that will for
> the moment only use the layer described above. Is there any easy way to get
> full extent of these images or shapefile? The utility program gdalinfo gives
> me proper information to build the extent of a single raster file, but I'm
> not aware of a tool that gives this kind of information of a shape file.
> I've tried to use OpenJUMP [http://openjump.org] to hover the mouse over
> the min and max points of the shapefile but I had no success using the
> coordinates it gave me.
> Any suggestions?
> --
> "Minds are like parachutes, they work best when open."
> Bruno Patini Furtado
> Software Developer
> webpage: http://bpfurtado.net
> software development blog: http://bpfurtado.livejournal.com

"Minds are like parachutes, they work best when open."

Bruno Patini Furtado
Software Developer
webpage: http://bpfurtado.net
software development blog: http://bpfurtado.livejournal.com
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