Mapserver query: problem activating PSVG extensions with PHP_OGR

Ben Crane crane_ba at YAHOO.COM
Sat Aug 26 03:34:04 PDT 2006

Hi all,

I have already sent this email to someone who is part
of PHP_OGR development-but wasn't sure under whose
banner this falls.

Had a go last night installing a clean version of
Mapserver. I already had a version of Apache 2.0.58
and PHP5 installed, so I removed those and MS4W. I
reinstalled Mapserver in the default location. I
wanted to have just one apache and php version running
on my local machine (just for convenience and ease). I
am running WIN XP and my mapserver build is 2.1 with
apache 2.0.58 and php 5.1.4 installed as part of it.

It worked as expected but upon closer inspection I
came across a "problem". Something I believe is very
easy to solve but I've hunted around and do not have
enough documentation at home to really pull it apart.

The PHP_OGR library was installed as a default and I
was required to do nothing to the apache-conf and
php.ini to get it working (which is excellent). But
when I tried to activate PSVG file types but adding
PSVG to images/svg+xml in mime.types and then adding
the following line to the apache.conf file: Addtype
application/x-httpd-php .psvg  and uncommented
LoadModule php5-module c:/ms2w/etc../php5apache2.dll
(which has worked in the past on all my apache/php
versions) what happened was that the PSVG file
extension worked and I could merge SVG and PHP code

But, all my code with reference to PHP_OGR functions
suddenly came up with the standard function dl() not
supported in multithread servers, please use
extension=php_ogr.php in php.ini at c:\ - So I added
the extension=php_ogr.dll and ensured the extension
path was looking at the correct location and restarted
the server. But I still got the same error message and
I cleared out any saved pages so they'd be refreshed
under the new server config. This still asked for
php_ogr.dll to be activated in the php.ini file (which
incidently is not located in c:\windows but in
c:\ms4w\apache\cgi-bin\ (I have also tried copying the
php.ini to my windows folder but still not joy.)

Funny thing is, when I return to the http.conf file
and commment out the LoadModule php5-module line. Then
the PSVG files stop working and all of a sudden, all
the code with the PHP_OGR libraries in them start
working again.

I have checked that php5apache2.dll is in the right
place. I've also checked all the paths in php.ini and
http.conf so I can't see anything obvious. 

This is extremely odd, everything is running under
ms4w, there is no conflict between another version of
apache or php as they've been removed. 

Can anyone shed any instantaneous ideas on what might
be the problem?? I can either get PSVG files to work
the expense of PHP_OGR libraries, or the other way
around, but I cannot use PSVG file with PHP_OGR code
since it keeps asking me to use extension=php_ogr.dll
in php.ini file.

The way I initially see it is that the offending line
seems to be the LoadModule php5-module
c:/etc/php5apache2.dll - if that is uncommented, PSVG
works, if it is commented out, OGR works but no PSVG

Ben Crane

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