Strange (OVF) Query Error

Frank Warmerdam warmerdam at POBOX.COM
Tue Feb 28 13:07:33 PST 2006

Tim Schaub wrote:
> I've noticed similarly strange behavior when running a query on inline OVF data (also with PHP mapscript - details below).  My virtual layer reads from a table with a multi-column primary key in a MySQL database.  I get three types of funky behavior with this:
> 1) If I don't specify an <FID> in my inline OVF, querying works as expeced until I call $layer->close() - Apache reports "premature end of script headers" only when I try to close the queried layer.


Can you reproduce this problem in a more controlled circumstance?  Perhaps
with ogrinfo?  Something I could easily reproduce?

There was a problem at one time a problem with OGR virtual layers
crashing on close but that should have been fixed in GDAL 1.3.1.
Is there any chance you are using something old like 1.2.6?

> 2) If I change my primary key to an auto-numbered field and set <FID>id<FID> (where id is my auto-numbered field), I get "Unable to identify field 'id'".

This is not expected.  If I could reproduce it I would look into fixing it.

> 3) If I set <FID>some_other_field</FID> then everything works as expected - even if the values in some_other_field are not unique.

Hmm, I would have expected you would get the wrong query results back

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush    | Geospatial Programmer for Rent

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