dbox imagepath, imageurl

william paul williampaul28 at YAHOO.COM
Wed Nov 1 02:04:07 EST 2006

  I am trying to use dBox. I managed to install it, but when I load the page I don't see the image. If I click on it I get the busy image. I think that the IMAGEPATH and IMAGEURL are not properly setup. I use IIS and Mapserver 4.6.0 and I have everything in inetput/wwwroot. I have created and temp folder where I want to store the temporal images. I have setup in MAP file the imagepath and imageurl: 
  IMAGEPATH "c:\inetpub\wwwroot\tmp"
  IMAGEURL "/tmp/"
  but nothing it is written there and no image is created. If I test on a new browser window the URL that is created when I load the main web page, then I get the image.
  Should I make other setups for dBox?
  Thank you

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