Applet/utility for drawing polygons?

Mike Conlow mike_conlow at YAHOO.COM
Sun Jan 7 08:29:00 PST 2007

Hi: Does anyone know of a good applet or utility to allow clients to draw polygons on a map and feed them to PostGIS?  

The issue I am trying to deal with: I have a lot of points and I need to let a client draw a polygon around a subset of those points and tag them with their name or a code or something.   I think the easiest way is to pass the polygon to PostGIS...but if there are other ways that I haven't thought of...



----- Original Message ----
From: Eduardo Zenaide <ezenaide at GMAIL.COM>
Sent: Friday, January 5, 2007 12:50:07 PM
Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Expressions

hi, all,

i'm trying to understand how expressions work here.
i have one layer with IDH_2000 class wich has lots of numerical values.
i try using ("[IDH_2000]" <= /0.4/) and it returns the error:

msQueryByAttributes(): Search returned no results. No matching record(s) found. 

msEvalExpression: Expression parser error. Failed to parse expression 

msyyparse(): Expression parser error. syntax error

i think i'm using the wrong syntax, but i've read

and couldn't get it.

if i do the same but using =~ works :P
so, any clues?


Eduardo Zenaide

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