MapServer contains some memory leaks whereby running it in FastCGI mode

Frank Warmerdam warmerdam at POBOX.COM
Sat Jan 20 11:20:19 PST 2007

John Mitchell wrote:
> Howard,
> I can't disclose the below mentioned product.  A few months ago I was 
> told that we were going to use this product for rapid display of Raster 
> mosaic imagery, and I started to look for alternatives when I did not 
> get customer support in a timely fashion.  I asked the  Community 
> Mapbuilder's developers list for alternatives and MapServer was one of 
> the possibilities suggested.  In my testing of MapServer so far I have 
> been very impressed with it's flexibility and performance, but the 
> memory leak issue is the only thing that concerns me at this point.  I 
> have not been able to replicate the memory leak problem, but I wanted to 
> know if any other users have experienced this problem, and if their is a 
> plan to fix this problem.  I use open source for all my other 
> applications so it makes sense to stick with MapServer.


A reasonable effort has been made to avoid memory leaks in MapServer.  For
instance, I frequently run simple mapserver scenarios under valgrind which
identifies all memory leaks in a run and for the largest part I can run
such things now with no memory leaks, or only a "fixed" memory leak in
a subcomponent (like libcurl).

So I don't doubt there are still circumstances where mapserver has memory
leaks, especially in some of the more esoteric features, but those can be
corrected if they are properly reported and isolated.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush    | President OSGeo,

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