USGS DEM in mapserver

Frank Warmerdam warmerdam at POBOX.COM
Thu Jan 25 05:02:01 PST 2007

Pietro Giannini wrote:
> Thanks Zoltan!
> I tried immediately and it work well ... but MS does not reproject the 
> raster!
> The only way to display correctly the raster is apply a lat/lon 
> projection to the map, the same of the raster.
> In the same directory  of the .dem is a world file, with the same name 
> of the Gtopo tile and extension ".wld", I tried also to rename the world 
> file to ".dmw", without result.
> I used .tif rasters, georeferenced with world files, and MS reproject 
> them without problem.
> Another way to georeference .dem rasters?
> Anyone can help?


MapServer should be able to reproject the rasters as long as you define
the original file projection on the LAYER, and then define your desired
output projection on the MAP.  If the .dem files are actually USGS DEM
files then world files of any sort are likely to be ignored by GDAL
though I believe that MapServer actually will pick up the .wld and use it
to override the GDAL returned extents.

Is there a reason you are trying to setup a world file?

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush    | President OSGeo,

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