non-tiff (24 bit?) raster layers in 4.10

Frank Warmerdam warmerdam at POBOX.COM
Mon May 7 08:43:55 PDT 2007

Attila Csipa wrote:
> I'ma bit curious on the status of non-tiff raster layer handling in the 4.10 
> series of Mapserver. I'm a bit pressed for space on a server and tried some 
> alternative formats for the raster data and have interesting results compared 
> to what the docs on say. 
> For example, I tried converting to jp2 (with gdal_translate -of JPEG2000), 
> and while the GDAL log says everything's OK using these files, the rasters do 
> NOT appear (nor do they appear in GIF format, which I tried because it is not 
> a 24bit format). The raster only appears if the input is PNG or TIFF, 
> regardless of the output imagetype (jpeg, png, png24, etc). I'm using debian 
> etch packages on this specific machine. Any ideas or pointers on the current 
> state of affairs with non-tiff rasters ?


I think the most important step is to compare the gdalinfo reports on the
original TIFF and the JPEG2000 file you produced.  I *suspect* that the
JasPer based JPEG2000 driver is not producing or reading the geolocation
information properly.  My understanding is that there is a particular
variant of JasPer (available from the gdal downloads area) that is needed
for georeferencing and this is likely not used on Debian.

The gdalinfo report should give an idea whether the geolocation info is
available or not.

MapServer works fine with different gdal supported formats, but that doesn't
mean that particular format drivers don't have special issues.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush    | President OSGeo,

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