wms layer display problem

wang tao wangtao2smith at YAHOO.COM
Sun May 13 04:07:56 EDT 2007

thanks for everyone!
now I can show the image in my browser.

I think that my main problem is that
    CONNECTION "http://wms.jpl.nasa.gov/wms.cgi?styles="
I should add the "styles="

the path problem is that 
    IMAGEPATH                      "/ms4w/tmp/ms_tmp/"       
    IMAGEURL                       "/ms_tmp/"
I should make the path like this when I use ms4w under windows,  pay attention not to miss the slash "/".
if you miss the slash"/", for example, "/ms4w/tmp/ms_tmp". Image will be showed under  tmp  directory.
it's name willed be added with the ms_tmp prefix.

thanks for everyone again!
i am glad to find some help from you!


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