Raster layer - Howto?

Pascal Ehlert dadark at DADARK.DE
Thu Nov 1 07:15:57 EDT 2007

Siki Zoltan wrote:

> 0.15   (A) pixel size in nature in x direction (e.g. 15 cm resolution)
> 0.0    (D) depends on rotational angle, afaik it must be zero for  
> mapserver
> 0.0    (B) same as above
> -0.15  (E) negative pixel size in nature in y direction
> 1234.56 (C) x position of the center of the pixel at upper-left corner
> 4567.89 (F) y position of the center of the pixel at upper-left corner

Okay, I was able to figure out the first four values now!
The data has a resolution of 1km/px so I want something like
there, is that correct?

The only thing I'm unsure about are the last two values.
It is an image of the whole world, so shouldn't that be something  
like -180.00 for the first value and 90.00 for the last?

When using these values gdalinfo gives me a strange output for the  
offsets which can't be correct.

Sorry to bother you again.


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