November 2007 Archives by author
Starting: Thu Nov 1 03:34:10 PDT 2007
Ending: Fri Nov 30 19:21:35 PST 2007
Messages: 481
- color palettes
"Weißmann, Markus"
- Mapfile definition
Till Adams
- AGG line offset problem
Andreas Albarello
- Class or filter expression on date field in shapefile
Andreas Albarello
- Polygon style with outline width
Andreas Albarello
- queryByAttributes qstring expression and Oracle
Andreas Albarello
- postgis layer: DATA "the_geom from <table> AS foo USING UNIQUE gid"
Andreas Albarello
- Ruby/MapScript quark in version 5.0.0
Brant Anderson
- NEW Mapserver Application
Brant Anderson
- NEW Mapserver Application
Brant Anderson
- WFS features not drawing
Michael Anderson
- WFS features not drawing - The Cause
Michael Anderson
- WFS features not drawing
Mike Anderson
- access WFS attributes in MS client?
Bob Arko
- SLD resquest issue with EXPRESSION parameter
Yewondwossen Assefa
- SOS eventtime and result
Yewondwossen Assefa
- WFS POST requests: "No template provided" error
Yewondwossen Assefa
- WFS POST requests: "No template provided" error
Yewondwossen Assefa
- WFS POST requests: "No template provided" error
Yewondwossen Assefa
- WFS POST requests: "No template provided" error
Yewondwossen Assefa
- fill opacity in SLD
Yewondwossen Assefa
- SVG Labels not Wrapping
Yewondwossen Assefa
- Changing a layer's DATA via the URL in MapServer 5.0
Yewondwossen Assefa
- WMS server: gml_include_items bug?
Yewondwossen Assefa
- AGG rendering : fill symbol using vector symbols
Yewondwossen Assefa
- Why does my WFS filter not work?
Yewondwossen Assefa
- 'Measure Distance' unit
Berényi Attila
- 3D data
Berényi Attila
- mysql ogr connection
Berényi Attila
- mysql ogr connection
Berényi Attila
- scalebar and rulerresults
Berényi Attila
- mysq: float->decimal...why????
Berényi Attila
- under laid layer does not diplay
Gagan Bansal
Attila Berenyi
- Mapserver and MySQL
Murat Beyhan
- Using different OUTPUTFORMAT?
Sacha Black
- Mapserver and MySQL
Roger Boily
- Premature end of script headers
Bob Bruce
- Premature end of script headers
Bob Bruce
- MapServer on Leopard?
Howard Butler
- Mapfile classes
Howard Butler
- Mapserver and MySQL
Howard Butler
- Publish an ArcSDE annotation
Howard Butler
- mapscript, setSymbolSet and
Stéphane COLZY
- Problems with WFS and ARCGIS
Jay Cable
- Query Layer
Antonio Fdez Carpio
- Update data
Hans Castorp
- System Configuration
Bruce Cheney
- System Configuration
Bruce Cheney
- System Configuration
Bruce Cheney
- System Configuration - [SPAM] Email found in subject
Bruce Cheney
- System Configuration - [SPAM] Email found in subject - [SPAM] Email found in subject
Bruce Cheney
- mapserver and animated gif
Alessia Ciraudo
- search.xml -pMapper
- Legend problem in MapServer 5.0
John Cole
- Legend problem in MapServer 5.0
John Cole
- state plane shapefile
John Cole
- Problems with Java Mapscript
Luis Conti
- Problems with Java Mapscript
Luis Conti
- Problems with Java Mapscript
Luis Conti
- Problems with Java Mapscript
Luis Conti
- Problems with Java Mapscript
Luis Conti
- Problems with Java Mapscript
Luis Conti
- Mapserv not accepting POST method
Jeff Copes
- Mapserv not accepting POST method
Jeff Copes
- Mapserv not accepting POST method
Jeff Copes
- Mapserv not accepting POST method
Jeff Copes
- filled color transparency
Fabio D'Ovidio
- queryByAttributes qstring expression and Oracle
Gambin Dejan
- aaigrid display problem
Gambin Dejan
- ESRI Annotation in Mapserver
- ESRI Annotation in Mapserver
- ESRI Annotation in Mapserver
- python mapscript layer.queryByPoint
Richard Duivenvoorde
- query postgis through wms
Richard Duivenvoorde
- Raster layer - Howto?
Pascal Ehlert
- Raster layer - Howto?
Pascal Ehlert
- Raster layer - Howto?
Pascal Ehlert
- Raster layer - Howto?
Pascal Ehlert
- Raster layer - Howto?
Pascal Ehlert
- legend for polygon layer with only outlinecolor
Bart van den Eijnden
- Mapfile classes
Bart van den Eijnden
- Update data
Bart van den Eijnden
- Some easy help with IIS
Henric Ernstson
- Update picture in browser
Fawcett, David
- MapServer Beginner Stuck
Fawcett, David
- Migrating from Windows to Linux: trouble with mapfiles
Fawcett, David
- Esri trying a wms GetFeatureInfo from mapserver
Fawcett, David
- nearest search with MapServer
Fischer, Brian
- Mapserver 5 binaries
Sarah Fischer
- Using different OUTPUTFORMAT?
John Fletcher
- ms4w dlls for IIS-installation
Fortin,Nicolas [SteFoy]
- Raster layer - Howto?
Brent Fraser
- How to label for each feature base on their angle?
Brent Fraser
- getting elevation data from mapserver
Brent Fraser
- AGG docs (and 5.0.0 docs in general) ?
Rich Fromm
- SOS eventTime not liking formatted time cols
Charlton Galvarino
- SOS eventTime not liking formatted time cols
Charlton Galvarino
- aaigrid display problem
Dejan Gambin
- aaigrid display problem
Dejan Gambin
- aaigrid display problem
Dejan Gambin
- turn off warning messages?
H Garcia
- state plane shapefile
Gary Garrard
- C# Mapscript ASP.NET Deployment Problem
Bruno Gendron
- UPDATE Re: C# Mapscript ASP.NET Deployment Problem
Bruno Gendron
- UPDATE Re: C# Mapscript ASP.NET Deployment Problem
Bruno Gendron
- WFS POST requests: "No template provided" error
Sean Gillies
- WFS POST requests: "No template provided" error
Sean Gillies
- WFS POST requests: "No template provided" error
Sean Gillies
- MapServer on Leopard?
Richard Greenwood
- Mapserv not accepting POST method
Richard Greenwood
- Mapserv not accepting POST method
Richard Greenwood
- raster with large grid cell size shifting
Simon Haddon
- raster with large grid cell size shifting
Simon Haddon
- Mapfile classes
Todd Harris
- Mapfile classes
Todd Harris
- MapServer and PostGIS GEOMETRY type
Jan Hartmann
- Changing a layer's DATA via the URL in MapServer 5.0
Jan Hartmann
- Changing a layer's DATA via the URL in MapServer 5.0
Jan Hartmann
- Using GDAL WMS Driver
Chris Helm
- Using GDAL WMS Driver
Christopher Helm
- getting elevation data from mapserver
Maarten Hilgenga
- state plane shapefile
Jeff Hoffmann
- PROBLEMS Reprojecting using cascading WMS
Mark Howard
- WRAP parameter in LABEL of LEGEND object
Yves Jacolin
- gdal2tiles and mapserver
Holger Jaekel
- Java Mapserver app - queryLayerByPoint. How?
- Java Mapserver app - queryLayerByPoint. How?
- Java Mapserver app - queryLayerByPoint. How?
- Java Mapserver app - queryLayerByPoint. How?
- Java Desktop App - MapServer slow sometimes
- WFS-Server delivers no features
Dirk Jesko
- Looking for an open source MapServer application that use PHPMapscrip
Hei Jo
- WFS features not drawing
Rahkonen Jukka
- WFS features not drawing
Rahkonen Jukka
- WFS POST requests: "No template provided" error
Rahkonen Jukka
- WFS POST requests: "No template provided" error
Rahkonen Jukka
- FW: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] WFS POST requests: "No template provided" error
Rahkonen Jukka
- WFS POST requests: "No template provided" error
Rahkonen Jukka
- Georeferencing Mrsid raster file with a world file
Rahkonen Jukka
- Mapserver as WMS server: every layer contains all
Rahkonen Jukka
- VS: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Mapserver as WMS server: every layer contains all
Rahkonen Jukka
- Upgrading Mapscript from 4.10.1 to 5.0 causes an Apache crash
- Upgrading Mapscript from 4.10.1 to 5.0 causes an Apache crash
- Upgrading Mapscript from 4.10.1 to 5.0 causes an Apache crash
Frédéric Junod
Frédéric Junod
- SLD not working on linux Fedora Core 5
Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]
- SOS eventTime not liking formatted time cols
Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]
- LINCAP Butt with AGG renderer
Pål Kristensen
- Automatic loading of spatial file into mapservice
Kroot, Christopher
- MapServer on Leopard?
William Kyngesburye
- MapServer on Leopard?
William Kyngesburye
- Mapserv not accepting POST method
William Kyngesburye
- Mapserv not accepting POST method
William Kyngesburye
- Strange Problem with dbf Files
Carolin Latze
- Strange Problem with dbf Files
Carolin Latze
- Esri trying a wms GetFeatureInfo from mapserver
Lawrence, Kevin
- PHP_OGR problem
Milan Lazecky
- PHP_OGR problem
Milan Lazecky
- Publish an ArcSDE annotation
Lemay, Dominic
- Publish an ArcSDE annotation
Lemay, Dominic
- QueryByRect problem in PHPmapscript
Steve Lime
- Mapserver Color Binding: Blue and Greenswapped (bug?)
Steve Lime
- Mapserver Color Binding: Blue and Greenswapped (bug?)
Steve Lime
- turn off warning messages?
Steve Lime
- nearest search with MapServer
Steve Lime
- queryByAttributes returns 0 every time
Steve Lime
- Labeling roads
Steve Lime
- Display multiple point with multiple attributes
Steve Lime
- Labeling roads
Steve Lime
- PostGIS Queries using FILTER
Steve Lime
- Can MapServer center wrapped labels?
Steve Lime
- Changing a layer's DATA via the URL in MapServer 5.0
Steve Lime
- How to label for each feature base on their angle?
Steve Lime
Steve Lime
Steve Lime
- enhancing Legend
Milo van der Linden
- enhancing Legend
Milo van der Linden
- Mapserver and MySQL
Milo van der Linden
Milo van der Linden
- System Configuration
Milo van der Linden
- System Configuration
Milo van der Linden
- WFS POST requests: "No template provided" error
Milo van der Linden
- WFS POST requests: "No template provided" error
Milo van der Linden
- Looking for a Map Server Consultant... Anyone Interested...
Milo van der Linden
- Migrating from Windows to Linux: trouble with mapfiles
Milo van der Linden
- ms4w dlls for IIS-installation
Milo van der Linden
- speeding up ecw layer
Milo van der Linden
- speeding up ecw layer
Milo van der Linden
- gdal2tiles and mapserver
Milo van der Linden
- WMS server: gml_include_items bug?
Walter Lorenzetti
- Subject: Re: Mapserv not accepting POST method
Ben Madin
- Polygon style with outline width
Luca Manganelli
- Polygon style with outline width
Luca Manganelli
- Polygon style with outline width
Luca Manganelli
- Speeding up the visualization of a shapefile with more than one million of lines
Luca Manganelli
- Speeding up the visualization of a shapefile with more than one million of lines
Luca Manganelli
- Speeding up the visualization of a shapefile with more than one million of lines {Scanned} {Scanned}
Luca Manganelli
- speeding up ecw layer
Luca Manganelli
- Problem with TILEINDEX with Mapserver 5.0
Luca Manganelli
- Problem with TILEINDEX with Mapserver 5.0
Luca Manganelli
- Can MapServer center wrapped labels?
John Maurer
- SVG Labels not Wrapping
Rob McCulley
- ESRI Annotation in Mapserver
Rob McCulley
- ESRI Annotation in Mapserver
Rob McCulley
- Problem with loading Demo Data
Jeff McKenna
- ESRI Annotation in Mapserver
Jeff McKenna
- ms4w dlls for IIS-installation
Jeff McKenna
- Tile/Slice Shapefiles...
Jeff McKenna
- GIS Project
Bradley McLain
- System Configuration
Ed McNierney
- System Configuration
Ed McNierney
- System Configuration - [SPAM] Email found in subject
Ed McNierney
- Migrating from Windows to Linux: trouble with mapfiles
Ed McNierney
- AGG line offset problem
"Luis González Medina"
- Truncated Output
Roman Meier
- Truncated Output
Roman Meier
- How do I propagate failures from upstream wms-servers?
Trond Michelsen
- How do I propagate failures from upstream wms-servers?
Trond Michelsen
- How do I propagate failures from upstream wms-servers?
Trond Michelsen
- Why does mapserver shave off a pixel from the bounding box?
Trond Michelsen
- Why does mapserver shave off a pixel from the bounding box?
Trond Michelsen
- Why does mapserver shave off a pixel from the bounding box?
Trond Michelsen
- How do I propagate failures from upstream wms-servers?
Trond Michelsen
- How do I propagate failures from upstream wms-servers?
Trond Michelsen
- Legend problem in MapServer 5.0
Daniel Morissette
- Using Demo in the Wiki Causes All My PHP/Mapscript Examples to Die
Daniel Morissette
- mapscript, setSymbolSet and
Daniel Morissette
- WFS POST requests: "No template provided" error
Daniel Morissette
- WFS POST requests: "No template provided" error
Daniel Morissette
- WFS POST requests: "No template provided" error
Daniel Morissette
- WMS Layer with SLD config in mapfile
Daniel Morissette
- Problem with loading Demo Data
Daniel Morissette
- Problem with loading Demo Data
Daniel Morissette
- getCapabilities not valid XML (MSXML)
Daniel Morissette
- Why does mapserver shave off a pixel from the bounding box?
Daniel Morissette
- How do I propagate failures from upstream wms-servers?
Daniel Morissette
- How do I propagate failures from upstream wms-servers?
Daniel Morissette
- Truncated Output
Daniel Morissette
- Tile/Slice Shapefiles...
Daniel Morissette
- A really weird problem with querying a map
Gregor Mosheh
- Migrating from Windows to Linux: trouble with mapfiles
Gregor Mosheh
- Migrating from Windows to Linux: trouble with mapfiles
Gregor Mosheh
- Migrating from Windows to Linux: trouble with mapfiles
Gregor Mosheh
- Migrating from Windows to Linux: trouble with mapfiles
Gregor Mosheh
- Migrating from Windows to Linux: trouble with mapfiles
Gregor Mosheh
- Speeding up the visualization of a shapefile with more than one million of lines
Gregor Mosheh
- Speeding up the visualization of a shapefile with more than one million of lines
Gregor Mosheh
- Why does my WFS filter not work?
Gregor Mosheh
- Raster layer - Howto?
Vishal Nagpal
- Mapserver and MySQL
Vishal Nagpal
- Mapserver and MySQL
Vishal Nagpal
- Mapserver and MySQL
Vishal Nagpal
- Mapserver and MySQL
Vishal Nagpal
- NEW Mapserver Application
Vishal Nagpal
- NEW Mapserver Application
Vishal Nagpal
- Java Mapserver app - queryLayerByPoint. How?
Umberto Nicoletti
- Upgrading Mapscript from 4.10.1 to 5.0 causes an Apache crash
Umberto Nicoletti
- Upgrading Mapscript from 4.10.1 to 5.0 causes an Apache crash
Umberto Nicoletti
- Upgrading Mapscript from 4.10.1 to 5.0 causes an Apache crash
Umberto Nicoletti
- Java Mapserver app - queryLayerByPoint. How?
Umberto Nicoletti
- Upgrading Mapscript from 4.10.1 to 5.0 causes an Apache crash
Umberto Nicoletti
- Java Desktop App - MapServer slow sometimes
Umberto Nicoletti
- Problems with Java Mapscript
Umberto Nicoletti
- Problems with Java Mapscript
Umberto Nicoletti
- Problems with Java Mapscript
Umberto Nicoletti
- Problems with Java Mapscript
Umberto Nicoletti
- How to render current map scale via mapscript?
David Niergarth
- How to render current map scale via mapscript?
David Niergarth
- postgis table joins in layer DATA and FILTER
David Niergarth
- postgis table joins in layer DATA and FILTER
David Niergarth
- postgis table joins in layer DATA and FILTER
David Niergarth
- Layer Order and Labels
Nolte, Tim
- Layer Order and Labels
Nolte, Tim
- Pushpin Vector Symbol...
Nolte, Tim
- [Chameleon] Chameleon & TileCache...(MapServer Performance)
Nolte, Tim
- Legend Template Question...
Nolte, Tim
- Tile/Slice Shapefiles...
Nolte, Tim
- Hosting services & Mapserver/PHP Mapscript?
Dave Nuttall
- PHP Mapscript Zoom/Pan Help Needed
Dave Nuttall
- queryByAttributes returns 0 every time
Ryan Ollerenshaw
- queryByAttributes returns 0 every time
Ryan Ollerenshaw
- queryByAttributes returns 0 every time
Ryan Ollerenshaw
- WFS request no longer returns any results after updating to Mapserver v4.10
Ryan Ollerenshaw
- getCapabilities not valid XML (MSXML)
Steven M. Ottens
- getCapabilities not valid XML (MSXML)
Steven M. Ottens
- Reprojection RasterData Problem
H éctor Paniagua
- SLD not working on linux Fedora Core 5
Ruben Pardo
- SLD not working on linux Fedora Core 5
Ruben Pardo
- SLD not working on linux Fedora Core 5
Ruben Pardo
- PHP Mapscript: Map extent not being set to what I am passing setExtent on my map object
Matt Pettis
- PHP Mapscript: Map extent not being set to what I am passing setExtent on my map object
Matt Pettis
- Georeferencing Mrsid raster file with a world file
H. Porath
- WFS request no longer returns any results after updating to Mapserver v4.10
H. Porath
- unsubscribe
Suman Pradhan
- Update picture in browser
Marcos Sánchez Provencio
- query postgis through wms
Marcos Sánchez Provencio
- query postgis through wms
Marcos Sánchez Provencio
- query postgis through wms
Marcos Sánchez Provencio
- NEW Mapserver Application
Marcos Sánchez Provencio
- Installation Problem when Configuring
Matthew Pulis
- Installation Problem when Configuring
Matthew Pulis
- Problem with loading Demo Data
Matthew Pulis
- Problem with loading Demo Data
Matthew Pulis
- Problem with loading Demo Data
Matthew Pulis
- Problem with loading Demo Data
Matthew Pulis
- Problem with loading Demo Data
Matthew Pulis
- Problem with loading Demo Data
Matthew Pulis
- Problem with loading Demo Data
Matthew Pulis
- MapScript Bug
Matthew Pulis
- MapScript Bug
Matthew Pulis
- Query JOIN table between SHP and MySQL
Bayu Kurniawan R
- Problems whith UTF8 characters when filtering with slds
Juanma M. R.
- WMS Http Proxy
Linda Rawson
- layerObj.queryByAttributes changed with Oracle
Benedikt Rothe
- layerObj.queryByAttributes changed with Oracle
Benedikt Rothe
Carlos Ruiz
- Raster layer - Howto?
Jørn Vegard Røsnes
- Raster layer - Howto?
Jørn Vegard Røsnes
- SOS eventtime and result
Jørn Vegard Røsnes
- SOS eventtime and result
Jørn Vegard Røsnes
- query postgis through wms
Jørn Vegard Røsnes
- query postgis through wms
Jørn Vegard Røsnes
- System Configuration - [SPAM] Email found in subject
Christopher Schmidt
- Mapfile definition
Andre Schoonbee
- Labeling roads
Andre Schoonbee
- Symbols
Andre Schoonbee
- Labeling roads
Andre Schoonbee
- no rasterlayer with resample if Query
Sven Schroeter
- ms4w dlls for IIS-installation
Sven Schroeter
- legend not drawn with mapserver 5.0?
Matthias Schuermann
- Update picture in browser
- layerObj.queryByAttributes changed with Oracle
Fernando Simon
- WFS POST requests: "No template provided" error
John Smith
- labels: bad positioning
Francesco Sozzi
- Mapserver as WMS server: every layer contains all
Francesco Sozzi
- Mapserver as WMS server: every layer contains all
Francesco Sozzi
- WFS POST requests: "No template provided" error
Frank Steggink
- WFS POST requests: "No template provided" error
Frank Steggink
- WFS POST requests: "No template provided" error
Frank Steggink
- WFS POST requests: "No template provided" error
Frank Steggink
- WFS POST requests: "No template provided" error
Frank Steggink
- WFS POST requests: "No template provided" error
Frank Steggink
- Problems with WFS and ARCGIS
Frank Steggink
- FW: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] WFS POST requests: "No template provided" error
Frank Steggink
- WFS POST requests: "No template provided" error
Frank Steggink
- WFS POST requests: "No template provided" error
Frank Steggink
- PHP_OGR problem
Guillaume Sueur
Guillaume Sueur
- Getting rid of QueryByShape error message
Guillaume Sueur
Guillaume Sueur
Guillaume Sueur
- 'Measure Distance' unit
Tamas Szekeres
- Change reference size dynamically (Mapscript)
Tamas Szekeres
- C# Mapscript ASP.NET Deployment Problem
Tamas Szekeres
- UPDATE Re: C# Mapscript ASP.NET Deployment Problem
Tamas Szekeres
- UPDATE Re: C# Mapscript ASP.NET Deployment Problem
Tamas Szekeres
- How to label for each feature base on their angle?
Lê Viết Thanh
Lê Viết Thanh
- How to filter the feature based on it's attribute?
Lê Viết Thanh
- How to filter the feature based on it's attribute?
Lê Viết Thanh
- Looking for a Map Server Consultant... Anyone Interested...
Nathan Thiya
- QueryByRect problem in PHPmapscript
Bill Thoen
- Using Demo in the Wiki Causes All My PHP/Mapscript Examples to Die
Bill Thoen
- Using Demo in the Wiki Causes All My PHP/Mapscript Examples to Die
Bill Thoen
- mapserver for mobile devices
Luis Treviño
- mapserver for mobile devices
Luis Treviño
- How do I propagate failures from upstream wms-servers?
Ben Tuttle
- Georeferencing Mrsid raster file with a world file
Volkan Ulukut
- Georeferencing Mrsid raster file with a world file
Volkan Ulukut
- Georeferencing Mrsid raster file with a world file
Volkan Ulukut
- Looking for an open source MapServer application that use PHPMapscrip
Volkan Ulukut
- Raster layer - Howto?
Norman Vine
- Migrating from Windows to Linux: trouble with mapfiles
Steven De Vriendt
- Migrating from Windows to Linux: trouble with mapfiles
Steven De Vriendt
- Migrating from Windows to Linux: trouble with mapfiles
Steven De Vriendt
- Migrating from Windows to Linux: trouble with mapfiles
Steven De Vriendt
- Migrating from Windows to Linux: trouble with mapfiles
Steven De Vriendt
- Migrating from Windows to Linux: trouble with mapfiles
Steven De Vriendt
- Migrating from Windows to Linux: trouble with mapfiles
Steven De Vriendt
- query postgis through wms
Steven De Vriendt
- query postgis through wms
Steven De Vriendt
- postgis layer: DATA "the_geom from <table> AS foo USING UNIQUE gid"
Steven De Vriendt
- query postgis through wms
Steven De Vriendt
- query postgis through wms
Steven De Vriendt
- query postgis through wms
Steven De Vriendt
- query postgis through wms
Steven De Vriendt
- query postgis through wms
Steven De Vriendt
- NEW Mapserver Application
Steven De Vriendt
- Legend problem in MapServer 5.0
Frank Warmerdam
- Mapserver and MySQL
Frank Warmerdam
Frank Warmerdam
Frank Warmerdam
- System Configuration
Frank Warmerdam
- aaigrid display problem
Frank Warmerdam
- Georeferencing Mrsid raster file with a world file
Frank Warmerdam
- aaigrid display problem
Frank Warmerdam
- aaigrid display problem
Frank Warmerdam
- Query JOIN table between SHP and MySQL
Frank Warmerdam
- Using GDAL WMS Driver
Frank Warmerdam
- raster with large grid cell size shifting
Frank Warmerdam
- no rasterlayer with resample if Query
Frank Warmerdam
- getting elevation data from mapserver
Frank Warmerdam
- GDAL/OGR 1.4.4 Release
Frank Warmerdam
- How to render current map scale via mapscript?
Oliver Wesp
- PostGIS Queries using FILTER
Kyle Wilcox
- PostGIS Queries using FILTER
Kyle Wilcox
- PostGIS Queries using FILTER
Kyle Wilcox
- Migrating from Windows to Linux: trouble with mapfiles
Kyle Wilcox
- Migrating from Windows to Linux: trouble with mapfiles
Kyle Wilcox
Arnd Wippermann
- AW: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] getCapabilities not valid XML (MSXML)
Arnd Wippermann
- Display multiple point with multiple attributes
Taka Wong
- Display point with multiple attributes
Taka Wong
- queryByAttributes returns 0 every time
Stephen Woodbridge
- Labeling roads
Stephen Woodbridge
- NEW Mapserver Application
Stephen Woodbridge
- AGG docs (and 5.0.0 docs in general) ?
Stephen Woodbridge
- Problem with TILEINDEX with Mapserver 5.0
Stephen Woodbridge
- outline colors for lines ?
Stephen Woodbridge
- Multiple adjacent shape file and postGIS?
Stephen Woodbridge
- Color shifts using QUANTIZE_COLORS=256
Stephen Woodbridge
- postgis table joins in layer DATA and FILTER
Stephen Woodbridge
- postgis table joins in layer DATA and FILTER
Stephen Woodbridge
- SLD resquest issue with EXPRESSION parameter
Jacolin Yves
- SLD resquest issue with EXPRESSION parameter
Jacolin Yves
- SLD resquest issue with EXPRESSION parameter
Jacolin Yves
- WRAP parameter in LABEL of LEGEND object
Jacolin Yves
- enhancing Legend
Jacolin Yves
- WRAP parameter in LABEL of LEGEND object
Jacolin Yves
- How do I propagate failures from upstream wms-servers?
Jacolin Yves
- WMS Layer with SLD config in mapfile
Jacolin Yves
- WMS Layer with SLD config in mapfile
Jacolin Yves
- WMS Layer with SLD config in mapfile
Jacolin Yves
- fill opacity in SLD
Jacolin Yves
- fill opacity in SLD
Jacolin Yves
- two colored output needed
Manfred Zerndl
- Raster layer - Howto? {Scanned}
Siki Zoltan
- Raster layer - Howto? {Scanned}
Siki Zoltan
- Speeding up the visualization of a shapefile with more than one million of lines {Scanned} {Scanned}
Siki Zoltan
- Speeding up the visualization of a shapefile with more than one million of lines {Scanned} {Scanned} {Scanned}
Siki Zoltan
- Mapserver & GMap75 Projection and units origin issue
- Legend problem in MapServer 5.0
thomas bonfort
- LINCAP Butt with AGG renderer
thomas bonfort
- WRAP parameter in LABEL of LEGEND object
thomas bonfort
- Update data
thomas bonfort
- Polygon style with outline width
thomas bonfort
- Polygon style with outline width
thomas bonfort
- WRAP parameter in LABEL of LEGEND object
thomas bonfort
thomas bonfort
- Layer Order and Labels
thomas bonfort
- Problem with loading Demo Data
thomas bonfort
- Problem with loading Demo Data
thomas bonfort
- Problem with TILEINDEX with Mapserver 5.0
thomas bonfort
- antialiased lines with AGG
thomas bonfort
- antialiased lines with AGG
thomas bonfort
- antialiased lines with AGG
thomas bonfort
- legend not drawn with mapserver 5.0?
thomas bonfort
- Color shifts using QUANTIZE_COLORS=256
thomas bonfort
- mapserver for mobile devices
godofredo contreras
- Change reference size dynamically (Mapscript)
Paul james
- Multiple adjacent shape file and postGIS?
kreshna_iceheart at
- sharpmap
- MapServer Beginner Stuck
drk mattr
- MapServer Beginner Stuck
drk mattr
- label offset binding
maurosa at
- mysql ogr connection
vishal nagpal
- AGG install
- AGG docs (and 5.0.0 docs in general) ?
- AGG install
- antialiased lines with AGG
- AGG docs (and 5.0.0 docs in general) ?
- Premature end of script headers
- antialiased lines with AGG
- antialiased lines with AGG
- outline colors for lines ?
- substitution or transformation of text data via mapserver
- Color shifts using QUANTIZE_COLORS=256
- Color shifts using QUANTIZE_COLORS=256
- How do I propagate failures from upstream wms-servers?
Fred warnock
Last message date:
Fri Nov 30 19:21:35 PST 2007
Archived on: Mon Oct 7 06:01:55 PDT 2024
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).