Automatic loading of spatial file into mapservice

Kroot, Christopher Christopher.Kroot at MAINE.GOV
Fri Nov 16 14:29:10 PST 2007

Hello all

The State of Maine Geolibrary Board is in the process of developing a
Geographic Portal.  One of the functions that we are interested in
providing to users is the ability to:
1) Create and load metadata into the portal - this is easy and can be
done now
2) Have an interface that enables the user to upload a shapefile
or any OGC compliant file type onto a 	server and have it automatically
loaded into a mapservice - The workflow goes like this, users
creates/uploads metadata, portal manager approves metadata, user
receives email notification that 	metadata has been approved and
is provided a link to an interface that will enable the user to upload
the spatial file, the spatial file is automatically loaded into a
mapservice(without human 	interaction),when a user veiws the
metadata they can click on a link and have the data presented in a map
viewer. Has anyone developed this functionality?

Thanks and have a great day

Christopher Kroot
GIS Manager
Maine Department of Environmental Protection Station # 17, AMHI Complex,
Ray Bldg Augusta, Maine 04333
christopher.kroot at

Christopher Kroot
GIS Manager
Maine Department of Environmental Protection
Station # 17, AMHI Complex, Ray Bldg
Augusta, Maine 04333
christopher.kroot at

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