ms4w dlls for IIS-installation

Sven Schroeter schroeter at NETGIS.DE
Fri Nov 23 00:49:12 PST 2007

I want to install the latest Mapserver 4.10 on a Windows 2003 Server with 
IIS (PHP 5.2.3 is already installed as cgi).
In older mapserver-versions I copied some .dlls in the system32 and the 
mapserv.exe in the cgi-bin of the IIS. Then php-mapscript in the ext-folder 
of php and everything worked fine.
With the install-packages ms4w (f.e. ms4w_2.2.5) there are many dlls in the 
cgi-bin (ms4w\Apache\cgi-bin) and I dont know what .dll are really used and 
important for mapserver and mapscript.
Some files are for apache or php5 (f.e. php5apache2.dll) .
Can anybody list the basic .dlls I need for a installation with IIS?

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