ms4w dlls for IIS-installation

Milo van der Linden mlinden at ZEELANDNET.NL
Fri Nov 23 04:54:30 PST 2007

Hello Sven!

Here is my configuration on Windows 2003 Server IIS 6.0

1. Download the MS4W PHP5 Base Installer v2.2.6 (Sept 18, 2007)
2. Open the zip and copy the content of  
/ms4w/Apache/cgi-bin gekopieerd naar to the (virtual) folder that will 
serve as your cgi-bin
3. Copy /ms4w/gdaldata, /ms4w/gdalplugins, /ms4w/proj and ms4w/tools 
somewhere on your system, not necessary a path that can be reached from 
the webserver (IIS) I created a folder C:\mapserver that contains 
everything that is mapserver related

Set up the system variables:
Add to  PATH:
c:\MapServer\\cgi-bin; C:\MapServer\tools\gdal-ogr; 
C:\MapServer\\tools\mapserv; C:\MapServer\tools\shapelib; 
C:\MapServer\proj\bin; C:\MapServer\tools\shp2tile; 
C:\MapServer\tools\shpdiff; C:\MapServer\tools\avce00;

And create:

Assign rights to IIS to read from your directories to IS_WPG (Workgroep 
IIS) on folder c:\mapserver and all sub-dirs:


      Read and Execute


      List Folder Content



Create a webservice extension that points to 
C:\MapServer\cgi-bin\mapserv.exe set it to "Allow"

restart IIS by starting and stopping the Webserver service, otherwise 
the system variables will not be updated.

Good luck!

Sven Schroeter schreef:
> Hallo,
> I want to install the latest Mapserver 4.10 on a Windows 2003 Server 
> with IIS (PHP 5.2.3 is already installed as cgi).
> In older mapserver-versions I copied some .dlls in the system32 and 
> the mapserv.exe in the cgi-bin of the IIS. Then php-mapscript in the 
> ext-folder of php and everything worked fine.
> With the install-packages ms4w (f.e. ms4w_2.2.5) there are many dlls 
> in the cgi-bin (ms4w\Apache\cgi-bin) and I dont know what .dll are 
> really used and important for mapserver and mapscript.
> Some files are for apache or php5 (f.e. php5apache2.dll) .
> Can anybody list the basic .dlls I need for a installation with IIS?
> Thanks
> Sven



Milo van der Linden
skype: milovanderlinden <skype:milovanderlinden?add>
mlinden at <mailto:mlinden at>
milovanderlinden at <mailto:milovanderlinden at>
milo at <mailto:milo at>


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