Publish an ArcSDE annotation

Lemay, Dominic Dominic.Lemay at MTQ.GOUV.QC.CA
Thu Nov 8 11:03:41 PST 2007



I would like to publish an ArcSDE annotation feature class as a MapServer


I have already succeeded to publish a point feature class, but I can not
publish this annotation feature class.


Is MapServer support ArcSDE annotation feature class?

How I should do that?


Thank you


Dominic Lemay 
Service des systèmes de mission 
Direction des technologies de l'information 
Ministère des Transports du Québec 

5833, boul. Pierre-Bertrand, 2ième étage 
Québec (Québec) G2K 1K7 
Téléphone:   (418) 380-2005 poste 232
Télécopieur: (418) 644-6653 
dominic.lemay at <mailto:dominic.lemay at>  


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