Migrating from Windows to Linux: trouble with mapfiles

Kyle Wilcox Kyle.Wilcox at NOAA.GOV
Wed Nov 14 06:44:32 PST 2007

The only thing that needs to change in your mapfile from windows to
linux are the paths.

Are you familiar with linux?  With a recent version of mapserver you can
use both relative and absolute paths in a mapfile.  Here is a simple
example that shows both.  The mapfile sits at
/work/CPC/Mapping/mapfiles/.  One note when using includes; if you nest
them, the path is relative to the FIRST mapfile.

        NAME "Coastal_Prediction_Center_WMS"
        # Chesapeake Bay
        EXTENT -78.5 36.020210 -73.8 39.974250
        UNITS dd
        SIZE 500 300
        SHAPEPATH "/work/CPC/Mapping/data"
	#SHAPEPATH "../data"
        SYMBOLSET "/work/CPC/Mapping/data/symbols/symbols35.sym"
	#SYMBOLSET "../data/symbols/symbols35.sym"
        RESOLUTION 96
        IMAGETYPE agg_pnga

        INCLUDE "output_formats.map"
	# OR
	# INCLUDE "/work/CPC/Mapping/mapfiles/output_formats.map"

          TEMPLATE void
          IMAGEPATH "/tmp/ms_tmp/"
          IMAGEURL "/ms_tmp/"
            "MAPFILE_ENCODING" "UTF-8"
            "wms_title"     "Coastal Prediction Center Mapping"
            "wms_onlineresource" ""
	    "wms_srs"       "EPSG:4326"

...  # Layers


Steven De Vriendt wrote:
> Hi list,
> I'm migrating from windows to linux (ubuntu) but I have some trouble getting
> a map-file to work.
> I want to be able to access my server as wms but I'm not sure what to look
> out for when
> making a map-file. I'm having trouble with path-names etc...
> Can someone give me an example of a working mapfile for Linux ?
> That would be great !
> Thanks !
> Steven


 Kyle Wilcox
 NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office
 410 Severn Avenue
 Suite 107A
 Annapolis, MD 21403
 office: (410) 295-3151
 Kyle.Wilcox at noaa.gov

 "It is from the wellspring of our despair and the places
  that we are broken that we come to repair the world."
						- Murray Waas

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