PostGIS Queries using FILTER

Kyle Wilcox Kyle.Wilcox at NOAA.GOV
Tue Nov 6 14:00:21 PST 2007

Did the usual searching without finding anything relevant.

The application I am referencing is at:

I have time series data in a PostGIS enabled database (current and wind
fields from model output).  I can display the point data without
problems (try any of the current or wind layers).

The problem is that when querying a point layer, the data that is always
extracted from the first timestamp rather than the timestamp associated
with the layer I am trying to query (specified as a FILTER).  I understand
what is happening.. the query by point functionality is querying the
database at the specific POINT and displaying the first row that returns
(the first timestamp).  If I delete the first timestamp data, the second
timestep data is displayed and so on.  The only thing that changes
between layers is the FILTER.

Does the queryByPoint() function utilize the FILTER definition from the
mapfile?  It doesn't seem to be doing so.

(Mapserver 5.0 and PHP/Mapscript)

 Here is a sample layer definition:

                 TYPE POINT
                 CONNECTIONTYPE postgis
                 NAME 'NAME'
                 CONNECTION 'host=HOST user=USER dbname=DATABASE'
                 DATA "the_geom from (SELECT * from forecast left join
 grid on grid.gid=forecast.grid_id) as data USING UNIQUE gid USING
                 FILTER "time=TIMESTAMP'2007-11-06 00:00:00'"
                         'DESCRIPTION' '2007-11-06 00:00:00'
                         'RESULT_HEADERS' 'Wind Speed (m/s), Wind
 Direction (from TN), Rotation of Image (from TN)'
                         'LAYER_ENCODING' 'UTF-8'
                 STATUS OFF
                 TOLERANCE 10
                 TOLERANCEUNITS pixels
                 LABELMAXSCALE 60000
                 TEMPLATE void
                     NAME ">= 0.95 m/s"
                     EXPRESSION ([wind_speed] >= 0.95)
                             SYMBOL "arrow2"
                               ANGLE [wind_from_direction]
                             COLOR 118 0 0
                             OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0
                             SIZE 10
                     TEXT ([wind_speed] m/s - [wind_from_direction] TN)
                             COLOR 118 0 0
                             OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0
                             POSITION AUTO
                             SIZE small
                             PARTIALS TRUE


 Kyle Wilcox
 NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office
 410 Severn Avenue
 Suite 107A
 Annapolis, MD 21403
 office: (410) 295-3151
 Kyle.Wilcox at

 "It is from the wellspring of our despair and the places
  that we are broken that we come to repair the world."
						- Murray Waas

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