mapserver for mobile devices

Luis Treviño ltrevinoh at GMAIL.COM
Tue Nov 6 12:12:54 PST 2007

thanks for the reply bobb.

The mobile device will use internet to send and receive data.


2007/11/6, Bob Basques <Bob.Basques at>:
>  Luis,
> Do you need something standalone on the mobile device, or something that
> uses a network to send the data , to the mobile device for example?
> bobb
> >>> Luis Treviño <ltrevinoh at GMAIL.COM> wrote:
> ------=_Part_14694_10222838.1194377484079
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> Content-Disposition: inline
> Hi all,
> I need to build a mapserver app for mobile devices, so the user can
> "navegate" using his cell phone or mobile device, but I don=B4t know where
> =
> to
> start.
> Any suggestions? or a hint to where to find information?
> Regards,
> Luis
> ------=_Part_14694_10222838.1194377484079
> Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> Content-Disposition: inline
> <div>Hi all,</div>
> <div> </div>
> <div>I need to build a mapserver app for mobile devices, so the user can
> &q=
> uot;navegate" using his cell phone or mobile device, but I don=B4t
> kno=
> w where to start.</div>
> <div>Any suggestions? or a hint to where to find information?</div>
> <div> </div>
> <div>Regards,</div>
> <div>Luis</div>
> ------=_Part_14694_10222838.1194377484079--
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