nearest search with MapServer

Steve Lime Steve.Lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Fri Nov 2 06:46:50 PDT 2007

Brian: Via the CGI or can you use MapScript? The normal mode=query does this but
only one layer at a time. Simple point queries make distance computations to find the
closest feature within a search area. For example, you set the tolerance for a layer (say 
5 miles for schools) and then MapServer finds the closest school to the XY point. If no 
schools are within that tolerance then the query fails. If the XY is in a polygon the distance 
is zero and the search returns quickly.

You also have other options. With MapScript, of course, you could loop through your
candidate layers and do a simple point query. Your client software could also issue
multiple simple mode=query requests, one for each layer, using AJAX and you could
build a result set that way.


>>> "Fischer, Brian" <bfischer at HOUSTONENGINEERINGINC.COM> 11/01/07 3:57 PM >>>
MapServer users,
I am curious to hear if anyone knows if it is possible to implement a
nearest search with mapscript.  For example I want to take an xy point
that a user clicked on the map and find the nearest feature in many
different layers to that point.  For example nearest park, library,
school, etc.  It is also possible the point could be contained with in a
polygon.  Is there a Geos function in mapscript to do this?
I haven't seen this done before with mapserver, but thought I would ask
anyway.  I know I could do it with PostGIS, but I'm trying to get away
without making that a requirement for my application.  Thanks for any
feedback you can give me.

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