python mapscript layer.queryByPoint

Richard Duivenvoorde rdmailings at DUIF.NET
Tue Nov 6 05:18:22 PST 2007

Hi List,

I was trying to use python mapscript to write a small 'getid' cgi for 
some shapefile. Very nice to be able to open a shapefile etc in a few lines!
But tring to get the layer.queryByPoint method failed. It returns 0 (aka 
success), but getResults() returns always 0.
Same when I load this layer from within a mapserver-mapfile. But loading 
this same mapfile in mapserver, returns a hit on this point.

Found this ticket:
which is 1 year old.

I'm using fwtools 1.4 on windows for this.

My Question:
- anybody a good working example of layer.queryByPoint?
- is the python mapscript interface still being tested/developed? Or is 
it 'old stuff' not to be used anymore?
(I'm not too much into C/swig/python, so debugging this myself is hardly 
an option :-(   )


Richard Duivenvoorde

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