Why does my WFS filter not work?

Gregor Mosheh gregor at HOSTGIS.COM
Fri Nov 30 11:51:16 PST 2007

Hey, all.
I have my Mapserver WFS server basically working, and can do BBOX queries:,-46.9196395874023,168.127075195312,-46.896656036377)

But I can't filter by other features:<Filter><PropertyIsEqualTo><PropertyName>gid</PropertyName><Literal>2389524</Literal></PropertyIsEqualTo></Filter>

If you look closely, you'll see that the first feature listed in the 
bbox URL is the one being queried in the second URL, gid=2389524

What am I missing here?

Gregor Mosheh / Greg Allensworth
System Administrator, HostGIS cartographic development & hosting services

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