Problem with java mapscript maurosa at IOL.IT
Thu Oct 11 10:48:36 PDT 2007

Hi list

I am using mapserver 5.0 with java mapscript.
I use oracle spatial 10g.
I have problems with long string (longer then 2k)
used to specify complex data sql connection query or filter.
When mapscript execute for instance setFilter it crashes.
I suspect there is a general issue with long string.
The same string used directly in the mapfile works correctly.
It is probably a mapscript memory allocation problem.
While I can use an oracle view to avoide the problem for the connection query, I do not know how to avoide it with the filter, because it is known only at run time.
The filter can be something like: 
CODE IN ('1','2','3'....very long string ... '1000')

Can this be set as a bug?

Thank you for any suggestion

Mauro Sartori

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