[MAPSERVER-USERS] php database mapfile

Kyle Wilcox Kyle.Wilcox at noaa.gov
Mon Apr 7 06:56:35 PDT 2008

You misunderstand what the FILTER tag in mapserver does for PostGIS 
queries.  Read up about it and you will figure it out.

But if you are already using set("data",...), why not just specify the 
entire query?

$this_layer->set("data","the_geom from ( SELECT gid, the_geom FROM 
europe_country WHERE name='England') AS foo USING UNIQUE gid USING 

nickthegreek- wrote:
> kyle i tried this
> $this_layer1->setFilter("name='England''"); 
>  $this_layer1->set("data","the_geom from ( select gid, the_geom from
> europe_country where name=".getFilter(name).") as foo using unique gid using
> srid=-1");
> how would i take the parameter whick is int the filter? name?


  Kyle Wilcox
  NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office
  410 Severn Avenue
  Suite 107A
  Annapolis, MD 21403
  office: (410) 295-3151
  Kyle.Wilcox at noaa.gov

  A: It takes over twice as long to understand the conversation.
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  A: Top-posting.
  Q: What's the worst thing about plain text email discussions?

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