[mapserver-users] Displaying points & label

Michael Schulz mschulz at webgis.de
Fri Apr 18 09:25:01 PDT 2008


in your ovf as well as in the layer definition you claim your data to
be in EPSG:27582, if it is actually in epsg:4326 then it should say so
in both places. The layer projection defines in which system your data
is in, the map projection defines in what system your image is
rendered (and your data projected to on the fly if necessary).

Cheers, Michael

2008/4/18 Clemiou <clems_mars at hotmail.com>:
>  Hi!
>  Still no points!
>  But I found perhaps something...
>  My datas are in WGS84 format and my map in Lambert II.
>  So, in my mapfile, my Map object has WGS84 projection, the layer of my Map, Lambert II format and the layer of my points the WGS84 format.
>  But still no points.
>  I don't know why. ^^
>  Thanks for your help.
>  Clement
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Michael Schulz
mschulz at webgis.de

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