[mapserver-users] postgis layer and ogr

HERMANGE Albin ahermange at gi-lemans.com
Mon Apr 21 09:12:17 PDT 2008


i want to display a postgis layer using the ogr driver

the mapserver native postgis connection works very well
                CONNECTION "user=myuser password=mypwd dbname=mydb host= port=5432"
                DATA "geom from (select * from mytable) as foo using unique gid using SRID=-1"

but when i want to display the same layer with the gr driver , mapserver crash
                CONNECTIONTYPE OGR
                CONNECTION "PG:user=myuser password=mypwd dbname=mydb host= port=5432"
                DATA "SELECT * FROM mytable "

i think the CONNECTION string is wrong but i cannot find the correct one

can u help me with this connectionstring ?



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