[mapserver-users] 5.2 problem - MySQL

Greg Luker gluker at scu.edu.au
Thu Aug 28 21:03:54 EDT 2008

Hi list,

At 10:12 PM 22/08/2008, Daniel Morissette wrote:
>You probably also upgraded GDAL/OGR when you went from MapServer 
>4.10 to 5.2, right? Perhaps check that ogrinfo can still read your 
>VRT with the new version.

Correct. We recompiled with the old GDAL/OGR and it works now. Thanks 
for your help Daniel!

(The problem was MapServer 5.2.0 was not returning anything from a 
valid query on a MySQL database, where MapServer 4.10.1 did return a 
result in the same environment)

>If it does, then I'd suggest setting "DEBUG 5" in your layer and 
>then watch what you get in the MS_ERROR file... you should see a 
>bunch of "msOGRFileNextShape: Returning shape=..." if MapServer can 
>read the data... or hopefully some warnings or errors if it can't.

We will do this and report our findings back to the list.


Greg Luker
GIS Lab Manager, Southern Cross University
gluker at scu.edu.au
phone 61 2 66203026

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