[mapserver-users] MapServer Symbol Conversion from Polyline Points

Donald Kerr donald.kerr at dkerr.co.uk
Mon Dec 29 04:58:26 PST 2008


Thanks for your prompt reply.

>> If I take just part of the above then it still doesn't work:
>>        NAME 'boulderGeometry'
>>        TYPE VECTOR
>>        FILLED FALSE
>>        POINTS
>>                -0.154 0.236
>>                -0.111 0.365
>>                -0.116 0.501
>>                -0.165 0.616
>>                -0.170 0.627
>>        END # POINTS

> There's a limitation with the vector code that expects  all 
> values to be positive when computing the symbol size. I'm 
> hoping this will be fixed in 5.4 / 6.0

Is that the reason why the above appears not to work i.e. the size issue? I
will try changing everything to a positive number to see if that works.

As a side issue, do the positive/negative numbers have a bearing on the
anchor point of the symbol or is that always in the centre of the symbol?

Many thanks.



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