WFS request options

Josh Livni mailing_lists at UMBRELLACONSULTING.COM
Fri Jan 4 17:05:47 EST 2008


A couple things:
> I looked over the WMS GetFeatureInfo request, and this is exactly what 
> I need.  For some reason, though the only data I am getting back looks 
> like this:
> GetFeatureInfo results:
> Layer 'ira_fill2'
>   Feature 689:

What's your template (query.html) look like?

> "init=epsg:54004"

I am assuming this projection is what is defined in your proj file by 
what is sometimes referred to as 'world mercator'.  If so, you may be 
interested in using this projection instead (won't make a huge 
difference in the states, but it is more accurate still)



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