WFS request options

Josh Livni mailing_lists at UMBRELLACONSULTING.COM
Fri Jan 4 17:57:55 EST 2008

Not sure here whether you get the same results if you entirely remove 
that query.html template.  Can you confirm one way or the other?  I'm 
curious if what you are getting back is some default mapserver template 
in case it can't find one on disk, or what.  And, I place my template in 
the same location as my mapfile (not, for example, my data location).

Also, I think your wms metadata is not complete.  For example I have a 
line as follows in my mapfile (not sure if this will affect you, however).
 "wms_feature_info_mime_type" "text/html"


PS - fwiw, attached is an example template I've used in the past to just 
display directly in the google popup.   No fancy parsing is then required.

nelson guda wrote:
> Josh, Let's see...
>> What's your template (query.html) look like?
>  - well, there is likely the problem.  I don't have a good idea of 
> exactly what the query template is supposed to look like.  I used this 
> from the tutorial, but I imagine that it is not correct:
> <tr>
>           <td>[lrn]</td>
>           <td>[ID]</td>
>           <td>[STATE]</td>
>           <td>[FOREST]</td>
>           <td>[ACRES]</td>
> </tr>
> Any resources for better explanations?
> thanks,
> nelson
> Thanks for the proj suggestions.  I'll look into it.
>>> "init=epsg:54004"
>>> END
>> I am assuming this projection is what is defined in your proj file by 
>> what is sometimes referred to as 'world mercator'.  If so, you may be 
>> interested in using this projection instead (won't make a huge 
>> difference in the states, but it is more accurate still)
>> Cheers,
>>  -Josh
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