demo map

Pericles S. Nacionales naci0002 at UMN.EDU
Wed Jan 9 13:06:27 PST 2008

I probably should have read your original post thoroughly in the first 
place.  The demo was updated to work with version 5.0, making it 
unusable for 4.x.  The 4.x compatible demo is still available at

Sorry for the confusion.


MapServer wrote:
> I just downloaded the demo from the following url and it suppose to 
> work with version 4:
> I changed the first part as you directed, but there is no hidden input 
> for map_web, so I just added it
> but still the same error.
> any idea ?
> is there any demo based on php ?
> Thanks
> Pericles S. Nacionales wrote:
>> Sounds like you have an older version of demo.  Edit the index.html 
>> and replace the following lines:
>>      <select name="map_web_template" size="1">
>>        <option value="itasca_basic.html"> Basic Application
>>        <option value="itasca_adds_scalebar.html">   -- Adds 
>> second scalebar
>>        <option value="itasca_adds_pan.html">   -- Adds pan 
>> controls
>>        <option value="itasca_adds_frames.html">   -- Adds 
>> frames
>>        <option value="itasca_adds_dhtml.html">   -- Adds 
>> dhtml rubber-band box
>>      </select>
>> with these:
>>      <select name="map_web" size="1">
>>        <option value="template itasca_basic.html"> Basic Application
>>        <option value="template itasca_adds_scalebar.html"> 
>>   -- Adds second scalebar
>>        <option value="template itasca_adds_pan.html">   -- 
>> Adds pan controls
>>        <option value="template itasca_adds_frames.html"> 
>>   -- Adds frames
>>        <option value="template itasca_adds_dhtml.html"> 
>>   -- Adds dhtml rubber-band box
>>      </select>
>> Also change these lines:
>>      <input type="hidden" name="map_web_imagepath" 
>> value="/ms4w/tmp/ms_tmp/">
>>      <input type="hidden" name="map_web_imageurl" value="/ms_tmp/">
>> to these:
>>      <input type="hidden" name="map_web" value="imagepath 
>> /ms4w/tmp/ms_tmp/">
>>      <input type="hidden" name="map_web" value="imageurl /ms_tmp/">
>> Look for RFC-31 for more info.
>> Cheers!
>> -Perry
>> MapServer wrote:
>>> Hello
>>> I have installed map server but while I am trying to test the demo 
>>> map I get following error :
>>> Content-type: text/html msReturnPage(): Unable to access file. set 
>>> in index.html
>>> and also I noticed that png files have been created in root of demo 
>>> with following names:
>>> [root at firstone workshop-5.0]# ls -la set*
>>> -rw-r--r-- 1 apache apache 25840 Jan  9 11:57 set in 
>>> index.htmlITASCA11998942593258.png
>>> -rw-r--r-- 1 apache apache   422 Jan  9 11:57 set in 
>>> index.htmlITASCAleg11998942593258.png
>>> -rw-r--r-- 1 apache apache   353 Jan  9 11:57 set in 
>>> index.htmlITASCAref11998942593258.png
>>> -rw-r--r-- 1 apache apache   163 Jan  9 11:57 set in 
>>> index.htmlITASCAsb11998942593258.png
>>> here is my changes to index.html located in workshop-5.0
>>>         var snippet = "IMAGEPATH '/var/www/html/workshop-5.0/tmp/'";
>>>         snippet += " IMAGEURL '/tmp/'";
>>>         snippet += " TEMPLATE " + template;
>>>         document.demo.map_web.value = snippet;
>>> <input type="hidden" name="map" 
>>> value="/var/www/html/workshop-5.0/">
>>>       <input type="hidden" name="program" value="/cgi-bin/mapserv">
>>>       <input type="hidden" name="root" 
>>> value="/var/www/html/workshop-5.0/">

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