php 5.0 and mapserver 5.0 and mysql 4.1.18

Dave Nuttall dnuttall at DNLT.COM
Tue Jan 15 06:04:36 PST 2008

Ditto Tim's success story except I'm using CentOS with PHP 5.2.x, MySQL
5.0.48, Apache 2.2.x and Mapserver 5.0 with PHP/Mapscript as an Apache/PHP

I did have to add Mapserver dependent packages such as GDAL, but the only
thing I do NOT have running as a RHEL installable package is
Mapserver/Mapscript itself.  

I will share SRPMS that should work with either CentOS 5.0 or CentOS 5.1. 
Email me privately to get access to the SRPMS.

Dave Nuttall
San Antonio, Texas

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