[mapserver-users] Logging

Anakreon Mentis anakreon at csd.auth.gr
Mon Jul 14 07:45:34 PDT 2008

Daniel Morissette writes:
 > Anakreon Mentis wrote:
 > > It says:
 > > Premature end of script headers: mapserv
 > > 
 > > Can you tell what this means?
 > Most likely cause is a segmentation fault (i.e. complete crash).
 > If you just access mapserv with no parameters in the URL then do you get 
 > the message "No query information to decode. QUERY_STRING is set, but 
 > empty."  as exepcted or does it crash as well?
No. I get the that message
 > Perhaps also try running the request that crashes at the command line to 
 > see if you also get the crash there:
 > /path/to/mapserv "QUERY_STRING=map=/path/to/yourmap.map&mode=...&..."
I pass only the path to the map as parameter. I get a segmentation fault
mapserv "QUERY_STRING=map=/home/anakreon/ekby_site/web/gis_files/maps/ekby.map"

 > If it crashes, then you'll need to find out where in the code and why... 
 > can you use 'gdb'? Did you build from source or get prebuilt binaries 
 > from somewhere? Which version of MapServer did you use before, and now 
 > after the upgrade?
 > Daniel
I have binaries from debian.
Current version is:
cgi-mapserver  5.0.2-3
 > -- 
 > Daniel Morissette
 > http://www.mapgears.com/

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