[mapserver-users] php_mapscript compatibility trouble

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at mapgears.com
Thu Jul 24 14:18:56 PDT 2008

alim karim wrote:
> i'd leave it to the development guys to make the call on whether 
> --enable-debug should automatically change the ZEND_DEBUG flag - it 
> would be nice if it did.

I don't think --enable-debug should also set the ZEND_DEBUG flag in 
php_mapscript.c because we sometimes (often in my case) want 
MapServer/MapScript in debug mode but with a regular (non-debug) PHP 
build, so the two are not directly linked.

That being said, a new --enable-php-debug configure option could 
possibly be added, or if possible we should consider removing that 
hardcoded ZEND_DEBUG define in php_mapscript.c since the value is 
presumably set already in the zend headers and we should not mess with 
it in our own code.

I have filed a ticket in Trac about this so that we don't forget:

Daniel Morissette

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