[mapserver-users] WFS returning empty features

bartvde at osgis.nl bartvde at osgis.nl
Wed Jun 24 06:42:37 PDT 2009

Hmm, running out of ideas :-)

What if you remove your FILTER tag or add brackets to it?

FILTER "(geoidn='geoidNL.IMRO.0026.SVBBU-0001')"

Best regards,

> Bart,
> Thanks, Tried to widen that. No luck ..
> Is the request ok (i try in the browser)? :
> http://tercera-go.tercera-ro.nl/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=../html/plancheck_test/data/
> it returns:
> <wfs:FeatureCollection xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.opengis.net/wfs
> http://schemas.opengis.net/wfs/1.0.0/WFS-basic.xsd
> http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/mapserver
> http://tercera-go.tercera-ro.nl/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=../html/plancheck_test/data/">
> <gml:boundedBy>
> <gml:Box srsName="EPSG:28992">
> <gml:coordinates>
> 155065.290000,467655.922000 156442.422000,470040.750000
> </gml:coordinates>
> </gml:Box>
> </gml:boundedBy>
> </wfs:FeatureCollection>
> On closer inspection uDig does something strange. On zoom to layer it
> zooms to the wrong area (but shows no features there either).
> MArco
> bartvde at osgis.nl schreef:
>> Try and widen your MAP->EXTENT.
>> Best regards,
>> Bart
>>> Roy, Jukka, List,
>>> I've tried adding extents to each layer: no succes
>>> I've
>>> "gml_include_items" "all"
>>> "gml_featureid"     "geoidn"
>>> in the layer metadata
>>> MArco
>>> Here is a snippet of the mapfile:
>>> MAP
>>>     NAME "NL.IMRO.0026.SVBBU-0001"
>>>     IMAGETYPE png
>>>     EXTENT 155016 467631 156758 470080
>>>        "init=epsg:28992"
>>>     END
>>>     WEB
>>>         METADATA
>>>                 "ows_title"           "NL.IMRO.0026.SVBBU-0001"
>>>                 "wms_onlineresource"
>>> "http://tercera-go.tercera-ro.nl/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=../html/plancheck_test/data/"
>>>             "wfs_onlineresource"
>>> "http://tercera-go.tercera-ro.nl/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=../html/plancheck_test/data/"
>>>             "wfs_srs"               "EPSG:28992"
>>>             "wms_srs"               "EPSG:28992"
>>>         END
>>>     END
>>>     name "geoidNL.IMRO.0026.SVBBU-0001_vlak"
>>>     GROUP "geoidNL.IMRO.0026.SVBBU-0001"
>>>        "init=epsg:28992"
>>>     END
>>>     EXTENT 155016 467631 156758 470080
>>>     METADATA
>>>         "ows_group_title"     "geoidNL.IMRO.0026.SVBBU-0001"
>>>             "ows_title"           "geoidNL.IMRO.0026.SVBBU-0001_vlak"
>>>         "gml_include_items" "all"
>>>         "gml_featureid"     "geoidn"
>>>         END
>>>     STATUS off
>>>     TYPE polygon
>>>     DUMP true
>>>     CONNECTIONTYPE postgis
>>>     CONNECTION "host=localhost user=tc_check dbname="
>>>     DATA 'tc_vlak_geometry from "NL.IMRO.0026.SVBBU-0001" using unique
>>> geoidn using srid=28992'
>>>     FILTER "geoidn='geoidNL.IMRO.0026.SVBBU-0001'"
>>>     OPACITY 30
>>>     TEMPLATE "dummy.html"
>>>     CLASS
>>>         STYLE
>>>                 COLOR 0 0 0
>>>                 OUTLINECOLOR 255 0 0
>>>         END
>>>     END
>>> END
>>> Rahkonen Jukka schreef:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Do you have something in "gml_include_items" in the layer metadata?
>>>> -Jukka Rahkonen-
>>>> DeDuikertjes wrote:
>>>> Roy, List,
>>>> i'm using MapServer version 5.1-dev
>>>> I've set the map extent. I did not set layer extents. Is that
>>>> necessary?
>>>> MArco
>>>> Roy Braam schreef:
>>>>> What  version of mapserver are you using? Have you set the map extent
>>>>> and layer extents?
>>>>> Roy
>>>>>   _____
>>>>> From: DeDuikertjes [mailto:DeDuikertjes at xs4all.nl]
>>>>> To: mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org
>>>>> Sent: Wed, 24 Jun 2009 15:12:29 +0200
>>>>> Subject: [mapserver-users] WFS returning empty features
>>>>> Dear List,
>>>>>   I've mapserver all set up.
>>>>>   The mapfile is working and produces a nice and working WMS.
>>>>>   The WFS is giving me troubles.
>>>>>   It returns a valid capabilities document with no warnings
>>>>>   A getfeature request returns GML, with the bounds defined, but
>>>>> otherwise
>>>>>   with NO features.
>>>>>   This for a layer which draws perfectly well in the WMS.
>>>>>   uDig sees all colums (attributes) of the layer, but every column is
>>>>> empty.
>>>>>   I've not a clue what I am doing wrong.
>>>>>   any help greatly appreciated.
>>>>>   MArco
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