[mapserver-users] local shapefile not rendering

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Mon Aug 2 08:38:47 PDT 2010

geo3d wrote:
> Looking for some insight to further troubleshoot my problem;
> pulling my parcels shapefile locally does not render my shapefile:
> Mapfile
> DATA 'parcels' 
> Projection
> init=epsg:2240
> However, pulling the data directly from postgresql does render; with the
> same projection used
> NAME 'Parcels'
>     CONNECTIONTYPE postgis
>     CONNECTION "dbname='********' host=***** port=5432 user='***'
> password='***' sslmode=prefer"
>     DATA 'the_geom FROM "parcels" using unique gid using srid=2240'
> Can anyone suggest any ideas?
> Thanks


If I were you I would test your shapefile-mapfile with the shp2img 
utility, and enable debugging 
(http://www.mapserver.org/optimization/debugging.html) and then paste 
your exact error into your next email to the emailing list.

I would also remove all other layers, and all projection objects, and 
set the EXTENT parameter to the extents of your shapefile, and then 
retry shp2img.

Hope that helps you get moving in the right direction.


Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services

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