[mapserver-users] WMS Request for a single point?

Robert Hicks robhyx at gmail.com
Fri Oct 8 12:04:26 EDT 2010

Ah, ok I see what you are saying. Unfortunately it won't always be in
the center, but yes, that would make things much simpler. For instance
the base map is going to be a county or state outline and the point
will be over a single piece of real estate within the county or state.
So the point could really be anywhere.

On Fri, Oct 8, 2010 at 11:59 AM, Bob Basques
<Bob.Basques at ci.stpaul.mn.us> wrote:
> If you know you are only going to display one point every time, then just
> set up a WMS service that has a point (pushpin) displayed in the center
> evertime it's called, then you only need to call a separate service to
> display the pushpin, everything else will be the same in the call, assuming
> you are always centering the point called in the image call.
> bobb
>>>> Robert Hicks <robhyx at gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks Bob, I think the second idea is more for what I am looking at.
> The styling (or adding the push pin icon) is already done, I know how
> to do that. The bigger issue is requesting the image with the point in
> the right location without a backing datastore (or at least one with
> the specific point). I suppose I could have a table which I populate
> on the fly, but how do I request just that one point from it and not
> other points from past requests?
> On Fri, Oct 8, 2010 at 11:23 AM, Bob Basques
> <Bob.Basques at ci.stpaul.mn.us> wrote:
>> There are a couple of ways of doing this, one is to use a Client that
>> supports layer stacking in the interface, like GeoMoose or Openlayers, and
>> call separate images and then combine them printing.  You would need to
>> set
>> up the approriate environment for this approach and this might not be cost
>> effective to you.
>> Another approach is to apply a symbol via a Mapserver served WMS service.
>>  You could make the WMS call to a specific service name that has the
>> PushPin
>> inserted into the center of the image (on top of the background layers you
>> specify) and already composited for output into a single image.  You would
>> need to call this as a separate WMS call however.
>> Going back to the Layered approach, you can also set up a marking system
>> in
>> the client where3 the client decide to add the pushpin, and then print
>> from
>> the client, GeoMoose can accomodate this approach as well, but it's a much
>> higher level of implemnentation.
>> bobb
>>>>> Robert Hicks <robhyx at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello all! Ok, this is probably a long shot but, is there a way to
>> request an image from Mapserver that is just a point? The idea is I
>> have another larger (reference) map image and I want to place a push
>> pin on top of it in a specified point. It has to be a WMS call so that
>> I can take the image and merge it with the other larger map into one
>> so that it can be put into a PDF. Any help would be appreciated.
>> Thanks!
>> --
>> web http://www.hyxspace.com
>> aim hyx1138
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aim hyx1138

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