[mapserver-users] problem with setting outline width for polygons

Hans Wapenaar (GIS Innovations) hans.wapenaar at gis-innovations.nl
Wed Apr 27 07:20:02 PDT 2011

Thanks for your reaction Milo,

I tried to cast the values for Int32, but without any result. Problem is not in the color settings but in the width of the outlines of polygons. Colors of polygons and colors of the outlines are correctly rendered.
I got the same errors when I try to set the values for label.size for a class.
	System.EntryPointNotFoundException: Unable to find an entry point named 'CSharp_labelObj_size_set' in DLL 'mapscript'.
	at OSGeo.MapServer.mapscriptPINVOKE.labelObj_size_set(HandleRef jarg1, Int32 jarg2)
	at OSGeo.MapServer.labelObj.set_size(Int32 value)

But setting a size for a symbol works fine. 
So: something strange is happening. Or I am missing some settings that are required.


-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: Milo van der Linden [mailto:milo at dogodigi.net] 
Verzonden: woensdag 27 april 2011 13:58
Aan: Hans Wapenaar (GIS Innovations)
CC: mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org
Onderwerp: Re: [mapserver-users] problem with setting outline width for polygons

Hello Hans ;-)

I have no experience using C# with Mapscript, but have you tried this?

Maybe it has something to do with that your colorvalues should be cast to int32

2011/4/27 Hans Wapenaar (GIS Innovations) <hans.wapenaar at gis-innovations.nl>:
> Hi,
> I'm using mapserver/mapscript in a windows/visual studio environment and I'm
> getting some errors: when I want to add a style to a layer with polygons the
> setting of a width generates an error.
> Any idea what the reason is? Setting of colors etc is no problem.
> Dim classtest As classObj = New classObj(layer)
> Dim styletest2 As styleObj = New styleObj(classtest)
> styletest2.outlinecolor.setRGB(74, 74, 74)
> styletest2.width = 5
> Error Message:
> System.EntryPointNotFoundException: Unable to find an entry point named
> 'CSharp_styleObj_width_set' in DLL 'mapscript'.
>    at OSGeo.MapServer.mapscriptPINVOKE.styleObj_width_set(HandleRef jarg1,
> Int32 jarg2)
>    at OSGeo.MapServer.styleObj.set_width(Int32 value)
> Hans Wapenaar
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