April 2011 Archives by date
Starting: Fri Apr 1 07:23:18 PDT 2011
Ending: Fri Apr 29 17:12:04 PDT 2011
Messages: 299
- [mapserver-users] MapServer download (at download.osgeo.org) failure
- [mapserver-users] MapServer download (at download.osgeo.org) failure
Alan Boudreault
- [mapserver-users] MapServer download (at download.osgeo.org) failure
Frank Warmerdam
- [mapserver-users] MapServer download (at download.osgeo.org) failure
- [mapserver-users] embed reference map
Eric Weisbender
- [mapserver-users] GetLegendGraphic and Mapserver upgrade
Scott Stewart
- [mapserver-users] embed reference map
Lime, Steve D (DNR)
- [mapserver-users] DrawQuery problem
Oscar Testa
- [mapserver-users] WFS Intersect with gml:box
Joaquín Rodriguez-Guerra Urcelay
- [mapserver-users] DrawQuery problem
Oscar Testa
- [mapserver-users] a follow-up to REST services in MapServer
Eric Weisbender
- [mapserver-users] a follow-up to REST services in MapServer
Lime, Steve D (DNR)
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver 6.0.0 beta4 mapscript layer.getFeature missing?
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver 6.0.0 beta4 mapscript layer.getFeature missing?
Armin Burger
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver 6.0.0 beta4 mapscript layer.getFeature missing?
- [mapserver-users] MapServer 6.0.0-beta4 release
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] tutorial assistance
martin crook
- [mapserver-users] tutorial assistance
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] SLD filter does not work with attribute values like ''
Rahkonen Jukka
- [mapserver-users] Coordinates precision in GML output
Nicolas BOUTET
- [mapserver-users] MapServer 6: outputformat gd/jpeg missing
Johannes Smith
- [mapserver-users] MapServer 6: outputformat gd/jpeg missing
- [mapserver-users] MapServer 6: outputformat gd/jpeg missing
Yewondwossen Assefa
- [mapserver-users] DrawQuery problem
Oscar Testa
- [mapserver-users] Coordinates precision in GML output
Lime, Steve D (DNR)
- [mapserver-users] fcgi with mapserver version 6.0.0 beta4 - Parsing error
francesco.pirotti at unipd.it
- [mapserver-users] html legend
Brian Barrett
- [mapserver-users] php Mapscript logging
Waberzeck, Thomas
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver6.0.0 beta4 - setting object values
francesco.pirotti at unipd.it
- [mapserver-users] label placement problem
Raivo Alla
- [mapserver-users] DrawQuery problem
Oscar Testa
- [mapserver-users] DrawQuery problem
Oscar Testa
- [mapserver-users] fcgi with mapserver version 6.0.0 beta4 - Parsing error
Jeff McKenna
- [mapserver-users] how do min/max scale filters work?
- [mapserver-users] how do min/max scale filters work?
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] how do min/max scale filters work?
Rahkonen Jukka
- [mapserver-users] how do min/max scale filters work?
- [mapserver-users] how do min/max scale filters work?
Rahkonen Jukka
- [mapserver-users] [Annouce] GISVM Base
Ricardo Pinho
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver6.0.0 beta4 - setting object values
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] MapServer 6.0.0-beta5 release
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] MapServer 6.0.0-beta4 release
Peter Hopfgartner
- [mapserver-users] MapServer 6.0.0-beta5 release
Peter Hopfgartner
- [mapserver-users] 16 Bit PNG Output
- [mapserver-users] MapServer 6.0.0-beta5 release
Alan Boudreault
- [mapserver-users] making POINT with SQL
Juan Carlos Monestel
- [mapserver-users] RE: making POINT with SQL
Lime, Steve D (DNR)
- [mapserver-users] MapServer 6.0.0-beta5 release
Angelos Tzotsos
- [mapserver-users] RE: making POINT with SQL
Juan Carlos Monestel
- [mapserver-users] RE: making POINT with SQL
Rahkonen Jukka
- [mapserver-users] RE: making POINT with SQL
Lime, Steve D (DNR)
- [mapserver-users] MapServer 6.0.0-beta5 release
Jeff McKenna
- [mapserver-users] error in raster layer
morteza shabihkhani
- [mapserver-users] error in raster layer
- [mapserver-users] Problems with Query Template (Chameleon)
Andy Hird
- [mapserver-users] RE: making POINT with SQL
Jan Hartmann
- [mapserver-users] MapServer 6: ESRI Grid display with KMZ output
Cécile Alfred
- [mapserver-users] MS 6.0 beta 4: OGR outputformat truncates WMS GetCapabilities
Rahkonen Jukka
- [mapserver-users] MS 6.0 beta 4: OGR outputformat truncates WMS GetCapabilities
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] MS 6.0 beta 4: OGR outputformat truncates WMSGetCapabilities
Rahkonen Jukka
- [mapserver-users] Transparency of overlapping PNG-symbols
Stephan Holl
- [mapserver-users] wms_style_xxx_legendurl_href
Stephan Holl
- [mapserver-users] Error Message in WMS service
Jan Hartmann
- [mapserver-users] Error Message in WMS service
Lime, Steve D (DNR)
- [mapserver-users] Error Message in WMS service
Jan Hartmann
- [mapserver-users] Transparency of overlapping PNG-symbols
Lime, Steve D (DNR)
- [mapserver-users] Error Message in WMS service
Lime, Steve D (DNR)
- [mapserver-users] error in raster layer
Frank Warmerdam
- [mapserver-users] Transparency of overlapping PNG-symbols
thomas bonfort
- [mapserver-users] 16 Bit PNG Output
Frank Warmerdam
- [mapserver-users] error in raster layer
morteza shabihkhani
- [mapserver-users] Error Message in WMS service
Jan Hartmann
- [mapserver-users] Error Message in WMS service
Smith, Michael ERDC-CRREL-NH
- [mapserver-users] Error Message in WMS service
Jan Hartmann
- [mapserver-users] error in raster layer
morteza shabihkhani
- [mapserver-users] error in raster layer
Frank Warmerdam
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver search performance
Varun saraf
- [mapserver-users] Transparency of overlapping PNG-symbols [solved]
Stephan Holl
- [mapserver-users] Transparency of overlapping PNG-symbols [solved]
thomas bonfort
- [mapserver-users] Transparency of overlapping PNG-symbols [solved]
Stephan Holl
- VS: [mapserver-users] Mapserver search performance
Rahkonen Jukka
- [mapserver-users] Tag SYMBOL -> CENTER/ORIGIN
- [mapserver-users] Tag SYMBOL -> CENTER/ORIGIN
thomas bonfort
- VS: [mapserver-users] Mapserver search performance
Varun saraf
- [mapserver-users] box substitution for ogr layers
Frederic Junod
- [mapserver-users] MapServer 6: ESRI Grid display with KMZ output
Yewondwossen Assefa
- [mapserver-users] box substitution for ogr layers
Frank Warmerdam
- [mapserver-users] MapServer 6: ESRI Grid display with KMZ output
Cécile Alfred
- [mapserver-users] fastcgi mode with raster layer?
Martin Ouellet
- [mapserver-users] fastcgi mode with raster layer?
Alan Boudreault
- [mapserver-users] fastcgi mode with raster layer?
thomas bonfort
- [mapserver-users] box substitution for ogr layers
Frederic Junod
- [mapserver-users] fastcgi mode with raster layer?
Rahkonen Jukka
- [mapserver-users] RE: making POINT with SQL
Juan Carlos Monestel
- [mapserver-users] RE: making POINT with SQL
Rahkonen Jukka
- [mapserver-users] RE: Problems with Query Template (Chameleon)
Lime, Steve D (DNR)
- [mapserver-users] MS 6.0 beta4 writes always into ms_errorfile with raster layers
Rahkonen Jukka
- [mapserver-users] RE: html legend
Brian Barrett
- [mapserver-users] MS 6.0 beta4 writes always into ms_errorfile with raster layers
thomas bonfort
- [mapserver-users] Re: handling multiple styles for WMS layers
- [mapserver-users] MS 6.0 beta4, is image/jpeg output OK?
Rahkonen Jukka
- [mapserver-users] WFS Intersect with gml:box
Joaquín Rodriguez-Guerra Urcelay
- [mapserver-users] MS 6.0 beta4, is image/jpeg output OK?
thomas bonfort
- [mapserver-users] Re: handling multiple styles for WMS layers
Jörg Thomsen
- [mapserver-users] MS 6.0 beta4, is image/jpeg output OK?
Rahkonen Jukka
- [mapserver-users] RE: Problems with Query Template (Chameleon)
Andy Hird
- [mapserver-users] [Annouce] GISVM Base
Ricardo Pinho
- [mapserver-users] MS 6.0 beta4, is image/jpeg output OK?
Rahkonen Jukka
- [mapserver-users] label placement problem
Raivo Alla
- [mapserver-users] RE: Problems with Query Template (Chameleon)
Jeff McKenna
- [mapserver-users] Mapscript and "CURLOPT_PROXYAUTH not supported"
Hallgren Johan
- [mapserver-users] mapserver 6 beta5 and variable substitutions
- [mapserver-users] mapserver 6 beta5 and variable substitutions
Lime, Steve D (DNR)
- [mapserver-users] mapserver 6 beta5 and variable substitutions
- [mapserver-users] mapserver 6 beta5 and variable substitutions
Lime, Steve D (DNR)
- [mapserver-users] RE: Problems with Query Template (Chameleon)
Lime, Steve D (DNR)
- [mapserver-users] MapServer 6.0.0-beta6 release
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] REMINDER: Tomorrow is the deadline for abstracts for FOSS4G2011 !
Jeff McKenna
- [mapserver-users] MapServer 6.0.0-beta6 release
Angelos Tzotsos
- [mapserver-users] MS 6.0 beta4, is image/jpeg output OK?
Jeff McKenna
- VS: [mapserver-users] Mapserver search performance
Varun saraf
- [mapserver-users] MapServer 6: ESRI Grid display with KMZ output
Yewondwossen Assefa
- [mapserver-users] MapServer 6.0.0-beta6 release
Alan Boudreault
- [mapserver-users] label placement problem
Raivo Alla
- [mapserver-users] SLD and Offset
Kickinger Johann
- [mapserver-users] label placement problem
thomas bonfort
- [mapserver-users] MapServer 6.0.0-beta6 release
Fawcett, David (MPCA)
- [mapserver-users] SLD and Offset
Yewondwossen Assefa
- [mapserver-users] label placement problem
Lime, Steve D (DNR)
- [mapserver-users] msProcessProjection(): Projection library error. no options in 'init' file
- [mapserver-users] Re: msProcessProjection(): Projection library error. no options in 'init' file
- [mapserver-users] msProcessProjection(): Projection library error. no options in 'init' file
Jeff McKenna
- [mapserver-users] Re: msProcessProjection(): Projection library error. no options in 'init' file
- [mapserver-users] query question
Eric Weisbender
- [mapserver-users] Re: msProcessProjection(): Projection library error. no options in 'init' file
Jeff McKenna
- [mapserver-users] Re: msProcessProjection(): Projection library error. no options in 'init' file
- [mapserver-users] Re: msProcessProjection(): Projection library error. no options in 'init' file
- [mapserver-users] MapServer 6.0.0-beta6 release
Jeff McKenna
- [mapserver-users] Mapscript and "CURLOPT_PROXYAUTH not supported"
Tamas Szekeres
- [mapserver-users] Mapscript and "CURLOPT_PROXYAUTH not supported"
Tamas Szekeres
- [mapserver-users] query question
Lime, Steve D (DNR)
- [mapserver-users] Mapscript and "CURLOPT_PROXYAUTH not supported"
Hallgren Johan
- [mapserver-users] Mapscript and "CURLOPT_PROXYAUTH not supported"
Hallgren Johan
- [mapserver-users] MapServer 6.0.0-beta6 release
Peter Hopfgartner
- AW: VS: [mapserver-users] Mapserver search performance
Eichner, Andreas - SID-NLKM
- [mapserver-users] Mapscript and "CURLOPT_PROXYAUTH not supported"
Hallgren Johan
- [mapserver-users] SLD support: Anyone for fixing 5 yr old tickets?
Hollingbery, Julian
- [mapserver-users] MS 6.0 beta4, is image/jpeg output OK?
Jeff McKenna
- [mapserver-users] MapServer 6.0.0-beta6 release
Peter Hopfgartner
- [mapserver-users] Re: msProcessProjection(): Projection library error. no options in 'init' file
- [mapserver-users] Mapscript and "CURLOPT_PROXYAUTH not supported"
Tamas Szekeres
- Fwd: [mapserver-users] Mapscript and "CURLOPT_PROXYAUTH not supported"
Tamas Szekeres
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver and raster layers
Christopher Dedels
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver and raster layers
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver and raster layers
Christopher Dedels
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver and raster layers
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver and raster layers
Rahkonen Jukka
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver and raster layers
Christopher Dedels
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver and raster layers
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver and raster layers
Christopher Dedels
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver and raster layers
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver and raster layers
Christopher Dedels
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver and raster layers
Christopher Dedels
- [mapserver-users] MS 6.0 beta6 and faulty image/png; mode=8bit output if source image has overviews
Rahkonen Jukka
- [mapserver-users] MS 6.0 beta6 and faulty image/png; mode=8bit output if source image has overviews
thomas bonfort
- [mapserver-users] MapServer map-file for NAVSTREETS anyone?
- [mapserver-users] how to install PHP MapScript extension on Windows wihtout Ms4w ?
- [mapserver-users] how to install PHP MapScript extension on Windows wihtout Ms4w ?
Thomas Gratier
- [mapserver-users] Mapscript and "CURLOPT_PROXYAUTH not supported"
Hallgren Johan
- [mapserver-users] Mapscript and "CURLOPT_PROXYAUTH not supported"
Tamas Szekeres
- [mapserver-users] MS 6.0 beta6 and faulty image/png; mode=8bit output if source image has overviews
Erik Gustafson
- [mapserver-users] MS 6.0 beta6 and faulty image/png; mode=8bit output if source image has overviews
thomas bonfort
- [mapserver-users] MS 6.0 beta6 and faulty image/png; mode=8bit output if source image has overviews
Erik Gustafson
- [mapserver-users] MS 6.0 beta6 and faulty image/png; mode=8bit output if source image has overviews
thomas bonfort
- [mapserver-users] MS 6.0 beta6 and faulty image/png; mode=8bit output if source image has overviews
Erik Gustafson
- [mapserver-users] MS 6.0 beta6 and faulty image/png; mode=8bit output if source image has overviews
thomas bonfort
- [mapserver-users] MS 6.0 beta6 and faulty image/png; mode=8bit output if source image has overviews
Erik Gustafson
- [mapserver-users] Windows SDK support (at vbkto.dyndns.org) site has been relocated
Tamas Szekeres
- [mapserver-users] Tcl Mapscript in 5.6
Thiago Tiedtke dos Reis
- [mapserver-users] Yet another Dynamic WMS server question
- [mapserver-users] Colorrange in Mapserver
Christopher Dedels
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver metadata
pcreso at pcreso.com
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver6 calls exit() in FastCGI-mode
Erik Gustafson
- [mapserver-users] Problems with png output when using libpng 1.5
Christy Nieman
- [mapserver-users] SLD support: Anyone for fixing 5 yr old tickets?
Yewondwossen Assefa
- [mapserver-users] MapServer 6.0.0-beta6 Incorrect error response to missing parameter
Passmore, James H.
- [mapserver-users] Problems with png output when using libpng 1.5
thomas bonfort
- [mapserver-users] Query on WFS Layer: Fatal error: [MapServer Error]: msQueryByShape(): No matching record(s) found
Francesco Sozzi
- [mapserver-users] relative path for .map file inside a WMS url
Clément MONIER
- [mapserver-users] relative path for .map file inside a WMS url
thomas bonfort
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver6 calls exit() in FastCGI-mode
Frank Warmerdam
- [mapserver-users] relative path for .map file inside a WMS url
thomas bonfort
- [mapserver-users] MapServer 6.0.0-beta7 release
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] Problems with png output when using libpng 1.5
Christy Nieman
- [mapserver-users] MapServer 6.0.0-beta7 packages in ELGIS repository
Peter Hopfgartner
- [mapserver-users] MapServer 6.0.0-beta7 release
Alan Boudreault
- [mapserver-users] Re: [mapserver-dev] problem with mapserver
thomas bonfort
- [mapserver-users] Re: [mapserver-dev] problem with mapserver
thomas bonfort
- [mapserver-users] Re: [mapserver-dev] problem with mapserver
thomas bonfort
- [mapserver-users] Dynamic Layer name in Legend
Eric Weisbender
- [mapserver-users] Dynamic Layer name in Legend
Lime, Steve D (DNR)
- [mapserver-users] gridObj in python mapscript
Jachym Cepicky
- [mapserver-users] MapServer 6.0.0-beta7 release
Jeff McKenna
- [mapserver-users] MapServer 6.0.0-beta7 release
Angelos Tzotsos
- [mapserver-users] adding ecw support
Jackson, John
- [mapserver-users] adding ecw support
Jackson, John
- [mapserver-users] adding ecw support
Jackson, John
- [mapserver-users] 3d WFS Service
Smith, Michael ERDC-CRREL-NH
- [mapserver-users] NoDATA value, transparency for paletted IMG file
- [mapserver-users] Mapscript and "CURLOPT_PROXYAUTH not supported"
Hallgren Johan
- [mapserver-users] Mapscript and "CURLOPT_PROXYAUTH not supported"
Hallgren Johan
- [mapserver-users] 3d WFS Service
Frank Warmerdam
- [mapserver-users] 3d WFS Service
Smith, Michael ERDC-CRREL-NH
- [mapserver-users] CLASS directive
Matt Bartolome
- [mapserver-users] CLASS directive
Mark Korver
- [mapserver-users] CLASS directive
Matt Bartolome
- [mapserver-users] OUTPUTFORMAT svg
Tim Heuer
- [mapserver-users] OUTPUTFORMAT svg
Tim Heuer
- [mapserver-users] Re: Postgis -> Mapserver white background
Ben Madin
- [mapserver-users] problem with setting outline width for polygons
Hans Wapenaar (GIS Innovations)
- [mapserver-users] problem with setting outline width for polygons
Milo van der Linden
- [mapserver-users] Re: Postgis -> Mapserver white background
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] problem with setting outline width for polygons
Hans Wapenaar (GIS Innovations)
- [mapserver-users] From MS 5.6 SYMBOL into 6.0 STYLE
Rahkonen Jukka
- [mapserver-users] From MS 5.6 SYMBOL into 6.0 STYLE
thomas bonfort
- [mapserver-users] From MS 5.6 SYMBOL into 6.0 STYLE
Christy Nieman
- [mapserver-users] Anyone want to work on a climate mapping web project w/me?
The Cunctator
- [mapserver-users] free() methods in MapScript, compatibility MS 5.x and 6
Armin Burger
- [mapserver-users] Font/Symbol size change with different MapServer
- [mapserver-users] Font/Symbol size change with different MapServer
thomas bonfort
- [mapserver-users] From MS 5.6 SYMBOL into 6.0 STYLE
Jeff McKenna
- [mapserver-users] multiple layers in a class
Mukesh Subedee
- [mapserver-users] Re: Font/Symbol size change with different MapServer
- [mapserver-users] multiple layers in a class
Fawcett, David (MPCA)
- [mapserver-users] multiple layers in a class
Mukesh Subedee
- [mapserver-users] multiple layers in a class
Fawcett, David (MPCA)
- [mapserver-users] multiple styles in a class
Mukesh Subedee
- [mapserver-users] multiple styles in a class
Mukesh Subedee
- [mapserver-users] use of CLASSGROUP/GROUP
Mukesh Subedee
- [mapserver-users] MapServer 6.0.0-rc1 release
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] character encoding shape file with german umlaute
karsten vennemann
- [mapserver-users] RE: character encoding shape file with german umlaute
karsten vennemann
- [mapserver-users] Validation beyond [A-z]
Rahkonen Jukka
- [mapserver-users] Re: NoDATA value, transparency for paletted IMG file
- [mapserver-users] RE: character encoding shape file with german umlaute
Jeff McKenna
- [mapserver-users] JPG Tile index in mapserver v5.6.3
- [mapserver-users] JPG Tile index in mapserver v5.6.3
Rahkonen Jukka
- [mapserver-users] Re: JPG Tile index in mapserver v5.6.3
- [mapserver-users] Re: JPG Tile index in mapserver v5.6.3
Rahkonen Jukka
- [mapserver-users] use of CLASSGROUP/GROUP
Yewondwossen Assefa
- [mapserver-users] Some issues with SLD and MapServer 6.0.0 Beta RC1
Arnd Wippermann
- [mapserver-users] Re: JPG Tile index in mapserver v5.6.3
Mark Korver
- [mapserver-users] MapServer 6.0.0-rc1 release
Jeff McKenna
- [mapserver-users] Re: Font/Symbol size change with different MapServer
- [mapserver-users] From MS 5.6 SYMBOL into 6.0 STYLE
Rahkonen Jukka
- [mapserver-users] Re: Font/Symbol size change with different MapServer
- [mapserver-users] Re: Font/Symbol size change with different MapServer
thomas bonfort
- [mapserver-users] RE: Validation beyond [A-z]
Lime, Steve D (DNR)
- [mapserver-users] RE: Validation beyond [A-z]
Jan Hartmann
- [mapserver-users] RE: Validation beyond [A-z]
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] Efficiency - Postgres/gis view or Mapserver data definition join
Dara Olson
- [mapserver-users] RE: Validation beyond [A-z]
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] Efficiency - Postgres/gis view or Mapserver data definition join
Andy Colson
- [mapserver-users] Efficiency - Postgres/gis view or Mapserver data definition join
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] Efficiency - Postgres/gis view or Mapserver data definition join
Dara Olson
- [mapserver-users] Some issues with SLD and MapServer 6.0.0 Beta RC1
Yewondwossen Assefa
- [mapserver-users] Some issues with SLD and MapServer 6.0.0 Beta RC1
Yewondwossen Assefa
- [mapserver-users] Re: google chrome?
- [mapserver-users] Re: google chrome?
Jeff McKenna
- [mapserver-users] MapServer 6.0.0-rc1 release
William Kyngesburye
- [mapserver-users] MapServer 6.0.0-rc1 release
Alan Boudreault
- [mapserver-users] Validation example wanted
Rahkonen Jukka
- [mapserver-users] Validation example wanted
thomas bonfort
- [mapserver-users] Validation example wanted
Rahkonen Jukka
- [mapserver-users] RE: Validation beyond [A-z]
Jan Hartmann
- [mapserver-users] RE: Validation beyond [A-z]
Rahkonen Jukka
- [mapserver-users] free() methods in MapScript, compatibility MS 5.x and 6
Alan Boudreault
- [mapserver-users] Force Mapserver into rendering 8bpp png images (instead of 4bpp)?
christian yrrman
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver usage with commercial vendors data
Paolo Crosato
- [mapserver-users] Parameterized MapFile using CGI variable
Nicolas BOUTET
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver usage with commercial vendors data
thomas bonfort
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver usage with commercial vendors data
Smith, Michael D ERDC-CRREL-NH
- [mapserver-users] Parameterized MapFile using CGI variable
Fawcett, David (MPCA)
- [mapserver-users] Parameterized MapFile using CGI variable
Nicolas BOUTET
- [mapserver-users] Parameterized MapFile using CGI variable
Fawcett, David (MPCA)
- [mapserver-users] Force Mapserver into rendering 8bpp png images(instead of 4bpp)?
Rahkonen Jukka
- [mapserver-users] Parameterized MapFile using CGI variable
Nicolas BOUTET
- [mapserver-users] Parameterized MapFile using CGI variable
thomas bonfort
- [mapserver-users] Parameterized MapFile using CGI variable
Rahkonen Jukka
- [mapserver-users] error and temp file handling with 6.0.0
Arnd Wippermann
- [mapserver-users] error and temp file handling with 6.0.0
Jeff McKenna
- [mapserver-users] free() methods in MapScript, compatibility MS 5.x and 6
Armin Burger
- [mapserver-users] Some issues with SLD and MapServer 6.0.0 Beta RC1
Yewondwossen Assefa
- [mapserver-users] free() methods in MapScript, compatibility MS 5.x and 6
Alan Boudreault
- [mapserver-users] RE: Validation beyond [A-z]
Lime, Steve D (DNR)
- [mapserver-users] Efficiency - Postgres/gis view or Mapserver data definition join
pcreso at pcreso.com
- [mapserver-users] Parameterized MapFile using CGI variable
pcreso at pcreso.com
- AW: [mapserver-users] Some issues with SLD and MapServer 6.0.0 Beta RC1
Arnd Wippermann
- [mapserver-users] RE: Validation beyond [A-z]
Stephen Woodbridge
Last message date:
Fri Apr 29 17:12:04 PDT 2011
Archived on: Mon Oct 7 06:02:50 PDT 2024
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).