[mapserver-users] MapScript issue in multiple WCF apps (ASP.NET)

Tamas Szekeres szekerest at gmail.com
Tue Mar 8 16:45:41 EST 2011

Hi Brian,

Could you provide the sequence of the requests, a mapfile example, that can
be used to reproduce this problem?
What do you mean by "configure them independently"? Different application
pool for each service type?

Best regards,


2011/3/8 Brian Poteat <Poteat.Brian at geoeye.com>

> I have a very strange issue while using MapScript from within some web
> service projects. I have different projects/applications for different
> services – one for each of WCF, WMS, WFS, and WMTS – so we can configure
> them independently. MapScript requests work fine for all of them separately
> but if I access MapScript from one and then another, one of them will not
> work correctly anymore. The requests will return success (result == 0) and
> the format returned is correct but the data is either null or an incorrect
> image. It doesn’t seem to be a threading issue since I can bombard any one
> of the services with asynchronous requests and they are handled fine and the
> problems don’t necessarily come while using the different applications at
> the same time – just one then the other.
> I am using a support project for making the MS requests that is referenced
> by each application (though I tried putting the code directly in each app
> with the same results). Below is a simplified version of the helper utility
> I am using. Is there anything that stands out as being an obvious issue? My
> endpoint applications simply get the query parameters from the url request
> and pass them as the requestParams argument with the appropriate map file.
> namespace MapScript
> {
>          public class MapScriptResponse
>          {
>                  public string Format { get; set; }
>                  public byte[] Data { get; set; }
>                  public string ErrorString { get; set; }
>                  public DateTime LastModified { get; set; }
>          }
>          public class MapScriptUtilities
>          {
>                  /// <summary>
>                  ///
>  Execute a service request to mapserver through mapscript
>                  /// </summary>
>                   /// <param name="mapFile">
> Physical path to the map file on which to make the request</param>
>                  /// <param name="requestParams">
> List of request parameters</param>
>                  /// <returns>The response from mapscript.</returns>
>                   public static MapScriptResponse ServiceRequest(string
>  mapFile, Dictionary<string, string> requestParams)
>                  {
>                           MapScriptResponse response = new
> MapScriptResponse();
>                           mapObj map = new mapObj(mapFile);
>                           OWSRequest owsRequest = new OWSRequest();
>                           Dictionary<string, string>.Enumerator
>  en = requestParams.GetEnumerator();
>                           string paramName = "";
>                           string paramValue = "";
>                           while (en.MoveNext())
>                           {
>                                    paramName = en.Current.Key;
>                                    paramValue = en.Current.Value;
> owsRequest.setParameter(paramName, paramValue);
>                           }
>                           mapscript.msIO_installStdoutToBuffer();
>                           int resultCode = map.OWSDispatch(owsRequest);
>                           if (resultCode == 0)
>                           {
>                                    response.Format = mapscript
> .msIO_stripStdoutBufferContentType();
>                                    response.Data = mapscript
> .msIO_getStdoutBufferBytes();
>                           }
>                           return response;
>                  }
>          }
> }
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Brian
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