[mapserver-users] xampp and mapserver

Ulisse fabiani.ulisse at gmail.com
Thu Nov 24 08:31:47 PST 2011

I'm a *newbie,

about Xampp and Mapserver for me you  can install
into them directories (the packages for win).

Then you can start and stop the different Apache services.
You should only insert two  littles .bat into "C:\ms4w".

You can call them start.bat and  stop.bat



REM This starts the apache service

cd Apache\bin
net start "Apache MS4W Web Server"
cd ..\..




REM This stops the apache service

cd Apache\bin
net stop "Apache MS4W Web Server"
cd ..\..


For xampp you can use its dialog form t start and stop apache services.

It seems to go for me. It's good for you?


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