[mapserver-users] WFS Typename behavior

Hawk AA hawk at aamdal.com
Thu Sep 29 12:07:55 EDT 2011


The results are not truncated by my maxFeatures, I use 100 as maxFeatures,
and I request for about 20 items.

As I am a little tired of the WFS interface, i made a PHP mapscript one
instead. There i loop through all layers, and collect the results.

I've had other WFS issues since i upgraded to mapserver 6.0 , like that I
can't query by FeatureID or filter. I've done the necessary upgrade steps
posted in the documentation, but it's still no good. That's why I have
started using MapScript.

Thank you.

Message: 3
Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2011 16:33:04 +0200
From: Havard Tveite <havard.tveite at umb.no>
Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] WFS Typename behavior
To: mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org
Message-ID: <4E81DEA0.7010103 at umb.no>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1"; format=flowed

You are right, Jukka.  Multiple "typeName"s have been supported by WFS
from the start (WFS 1.0.0), through a sequence of "Query"s, each
containing a typeName.
Sorry about the confusion.


On 9/22/2011 1:35 PM, Rahkonen Jukka wrote:
> Hi,
> I can see from the server logs that users of ArcGIS Data Interoperability
extension are usually making first request so that all the feature types are
listed in&typename and with&maxFeatures=30000. This will lead on our server
to output that is truncated at the 30000th feature but it varies a bit on
what feature type the limit is achieved. But according to the standard using
a list of typenames is OK. TinyOWS does not have problems with such a
> Check if the output is truncated at your maxFeatures. If it is then
everything is OK. If maxFeatures is not reached then the result should be
the same as when making two separate getFeatures for Traseer and Punkter.
Otherwise it looks like a bug.
> -Jukka Rahkonen-
>> Havard Tveite wrote:
>> Ldhetetty: 22. syyskuuta 2011 9:26
>> I think that you have to use only one Typename per WFS request.
>> Hevard
>> On 9/20/2011 8:09 PM, Hawk AA wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> It seems for me that by entering multiple layers in
>> Typename, I am not getting the same results. For instance
>> would using Typename=Traseer give me all of the geometries in
>> the BBOX, but Typename=Traseer, Punkter will give me all in
>> Punkter, but only some geometries from Traseer. Is it
>> supposed to be that way? Any other way I can query a BBOX on
>> multiple layers without running a WFS request per layer?
>>> Thanks in advance!
>>> Hawk
>> --
>> Hevard Tveite
>> Department of Mathematical Sciences and Technology, UMB
>> Drxbakveien 31, POBox 5003, N-1432 Es, NORWAY
>> Phone: +47 64965483 Fax: +47 64965401 http://www.umb.no/imt/
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Hevard Tveite
Department of Mathematical Sciences and Technology, UMB
Drxbakveien 31, POBox 5003, N-1432 Es, NORWAY
Phone: +47 64965483 Fax: +47 64965401 http://www.umb.no/imt/

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