[mapserver-users] wcs 1..0.0 getcapabilities problem in mapserver 6.4dev and 6.2.x

Peter Freimuth freimuth69 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 29 09:56:48 PDT 2013

i ran into s small problem with setting up a WCS service on umn 
mapserver 6.2 and newer.
When requesting the capabilities for VERSION=1.0.0 i get the following 
Warning printed to the Capabilities Doc:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="no" ?>
    xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.opengis.net/wcs http://schemas.opengeospatial.net/wcs/1.0.0/wcsCapabilities.xsd">
<!-- WARNING: Some mandatory elements for '(null)' are missing in this context. -->
   <description>This service serves RE L3A image products with different acquisition dates and supports filtering by using the OGC'time'  parameter and the'imageidentifier'  parameter to address single images.</description>
   <name>MapServer WCS</name>
   <label>RE 5Band LI_USA-MT OWS Servis</label>
     <keyword>  wms</keyword>
     <keyword>  wfs</keyword>
     <keyword>  living image</keyword>

In all other Version like 1.1.x or 2.0.0 everything is fine and i also have no problem with WMS or WFS capabilities.

this is the WEB section of the corresponding mapfile:
         IMAGEPATH "/****/image_path"
             "ows_title"           "RE 5 Band Imagedata Service"
             #"ows_onlineresource"  "http://devcloud.blackbridge.com/ows/LI_USA-MT.cgi?" ### recommended
	    "ows_onlineresource"  "http://***/LI_USA-MT.cgi?" ### recommended
             "ows_description"     "This service serves images registered in the OWS streaming platform"
             "ows_abstract"     "This service serves images registered in the OWS streaming platform"
             "ows_srs"             "EPSG:4326 EPSG:900913 EPSG:3857 EPSG:32662"
	    #necessary to get the WCS virtual dataset metadata thing working
             "ows_extent"         "-116.364631680367 44.1932837062986 -103.698350095065 49.1892799088128"
             "ows_schemas_location" "http://schemas.opengeospatial.net"
             "ows_fees"            "none"
             "ows_accessconstraints"    "none"
             "ows_keywordlist"          "wcs, wms, wfs, living image"
             "ows_metadatalink_type"    "TC211"
             "ows_metadatalink_format"  "text/plain"
             "ows_addresstype"          "postal"
             "ows_address"              "fgdfgdgs."
             "ows_city"                 "fdgfgdf"
             "ows_stateorprovince"      "dgdfg"
             "ows_postcode"             "dgdfg"
             "ows_country"              "dgdg"
             "ows_contactelectronicmailaddress" "***"
             "ows_contactperson"             "***"
             "ows_contactorganization"       "***"
             "ows_contactposition"           "ows manager"
             "ows_role"                      "ows manager"
             "ows_contactvoicetelephone"     "453453453"
             "ows_contactfacsimiletelephone" "345345345"
             "ows_contactinstructions"     "send us an email"
             "ows_service_onlineresource" "http://*****/cgi-bin/LI_USA-MT.cgi?"
             "ows_hoursofservice"         "8-17 MCT"
             "ows_http_max_age"           "100"
             #"ows_updatesequence"         ""
             "wcs_enable_request" "GetCapabilities GetCoverage DescribeCoverage"
             "wcs_description"            "This service serves RE L3A image products with different acquisition dates and supports filtering by using the OGC 'time' parameter and the 'imageidentifier' parameter to address single images."
             "wcs_abstract"            "This service serves RE L3A image products with different acquisition dates and supports filtering by using the OGC 'time' parameter and the 'imageidentifier' parameter to address single images."
  	    "wcs_extent"         "-116.364631680367 44.1932837062986 -103.698350095065 49.1892799088128"
	    "wcs_label"            "RE 5Band LI_USA-MT OWS Servis" ### required

             "wms_enable_request" "GetCapabilities GetMap GetLegendGraphic"
	    "wms_extent"         "-116.364631680367 44.1932837062986 -103.698350095065 49.1892799088128"
             "wms_feature_info_mime_type" "application/json"
             "wms_bbox_extended"       "true"
             "wfs_enable_request" "GetCapabilities GetFeature DescribeFeatureType"
	    "wfs_extent"          "-116.364631680367 44.1932837062986 -103.698350095065 49.1892799088128"
             "wfs_description"       "This WFS service serves as a catalog service to find out which image products are available in the the service for further usage." ## Recommended
             "wfs_abstract"       "This WFS service serves as a catalog service to find out which image products are available in the the service for further usage." ## Recommended
             "wfs_srs"   "EPSG:4326 EPSG:4269 EPSG:3978 EPSG:3857 EPSG:900913 EPSG:32662" #output for WFS data for WFS 1.0.0
             "wfs_maxfeatures"  "10000"
             "wfs_namespace_uri" "http://www.rapideye.de/ows/wfs/re"
             "wfs_namespace_prefix" "re"
	    'productid' '[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_\,]+'
	    'contractids' '[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_\,]+'
	    'startdate' '([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})'
	    'enddate' '([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})'
             'default_productid' '.*'
             'default_contractids' 'GDNAMLI-USA-MT'
             'default_startdate' '2013-06-30'
             'default_enddate' '2013-08-25'
             "wcs_title" "5 band 16bit RE data with OGC time param support"
	    "wcs_description" "5 band 16bit RE data with OGC time param support through the 'time' parameter and individual scene access through the 'imageidentifier' parameter. The List of available Acquisition Dates can be extracted from the timePosition List."
	    "wcs_abstract" "5 band 16bit RE data with OGC time param support through the 'time' parameter and individual scene access through the 'imageidentifier' parameter. The List of available Acquisition Dates can be extracted from the timePosition List."
             # is set dynamically during service creation or service update
             "wcs_extent"  "-116.364631680367 44.1932837062986 -103.698350095065 49.1892799088128"
             "wcs_srs" "EPSG:4326 EPSG:900913 EPSG:3857  EPSG:32662"
             "wcs_label"  "5 band 16bit RE data"  ### required
             "wcs_rangeset_axes" "bands"
             "wcs_rangeset_name"   "Bands"  ### required to support DescribeCoverage request
             "wcs_rangeset_label"   "RE Radiometric Bands" ### required to support DescribeCoverage request
             "wcs_rangeset_nullvalue" "0"	
             #"wcs_size" "15000 15000" #if we have a global ows_extent set in web-metadata and a wcs_resolution this gets calculated by mapserver
             "wcs_resolution" "5.0 5.0"
             "wcs_bandcount" "5"
             "wcs_band_names" "Blue Green Red Rededge Nir"
             "wcs_imagemode" "INT16"
             "wcs_formats"  "GEOTIFF_INT16 AAIGRID"
             "wcs_native_format"  "image/tiff"
             "wcs_nativeformat" "GTiff"
             #this get set dynamically accodingly to the dates avaialable for the service and is mandatory to allow temporal subsettings
	    "wcs_timeposition" "2013-06-30,2013-07-15,2013-07-16,2013-07-17,2013-07-18,2013-07-19,2013-07-20,2013-07-21,2013-07-22,2013-07-23,2013-07-24,2013-07-25,2013-07-26,2013-07-27,2013-07-28,2013-07-29,2013-07-31,2013-08-03,2013-08-05,2013-08-06,2013-08-07,2013-08-08,2013-08-09,2013-08-10,2013-08-11,2013-08-12,2013-08-13,2013-08-15,2013-08-16,2013-08-17,2013-08-18,2013-08-19,2013-08-20,2013-08-21,2013-08-22,2013-08-23,2013-08-24,2013-08-25"
             "wcs_timeextent" "2013-06-30/2013-08-25"
             "wcs_timeitem" "acquisition_date"
             "wcs_timedefault" "2013-06-30/2013-08-25"
             #disable explicitly everything that shall not be supported for this Layer
             "wms_enable_request"  "!GetCapabilities !GetMap !GetLegendgraphic"
             "wfs_enable_request" "!GetCapabilities !GetFeature !DescribeFeatureType"

Any idea what is missing. The fact that the missing mandatory metadata accesses a "null" string point to a bug in the code otherwise it should tell which parameter is missing.

Thanks for any hint on this topic.
Kind regards,

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