[mapserver-users] 6.2.0 fastcgi exit(lifetime expired), get signal 11, possible coredump generated

daryl herzmann akrherz at iastate.edu
Fri Jan 25 06:46:56 PST 2013


I recently updated to mapserver 6.2.0 and am noticing an interesting 
message being logged from Apache:

Jan 25 08:40:49 xxx httpd[6098]: [error] mod_fcgid: process 
exit(lifetime expired), get signal 11, possible coredump generated

I built mapserver on RHEL6.3 with fcgi-2.4.0-10.el6.x86_64 .  These 
messages appear to be happening when Apache mod_fcgid cycles the mapserver 
process every so often?

Any ideas what is happening?  I suspect it is safe to ignore the message, 
but am curious why I am seeing it now and not with previous mapserver 


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