[mapserver-users] LABELS - changing from single map to tiles and overlays - HOW?

Worth Lutz wal3 at mindspring.com
Tue Mar 19 07:52:26 PDT 2013

Hi all,


I'm changing my usage of mapserver from a single map image to using
OpenLayers and having MapServer work as a WMS server.


My problem is labels. There seem to be too many variables (in MapServer and
OpenLayers) and I cannot figure out which to set to keep from having partial
labels, too many labels or overlapping labels.


What is the best way to approach labels in a tiled / overlay environment.


I noticed that in MapServer 6.0 the "annotation" layer type is deprecated.
What is the method for replacing this?


In summary, I'm LOST.  Anyone with a map, please point me in the right
direction. :-)




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