[mapserver-users] Question about config Mapserver to provide SOS service from postgis table/view

Miguel-Angel Manso-Callejo (UPM) m.manso at upm.es
Mon Jun 16 07:19:05 PDT 2014

Dear Till

I'm trying to publish real time steam data computed on a permanent 
network of GPS stations and stored on a PostGIS DataBase.
This network have 300 stations and i want to publish individual 
observation as a procedure result.

As i have informed this morning to the list, i have gotten to start the 
service and made that the response to GetObservarion request offer the 
O&M result.

To enable the service use in the same postgis data table to handle 
several columns (observed variables) i have used sos_procedure_item as 
set assefa (http://trac.osgeo.org/mapserver/ticket/2050)

Then to solve problem to access postgis data filtering to one of the gps 
station, i have put:
DATA "pos from (select pos,fecha,vap from vaporcolumna where 
id='MADR13407S012') as subquery using unique fecha using srid=4326"

In order to enable time filtering to procedure values, i have put:
        "sos_timeitem" "fecha"

Then mu questions now are:

1º.- when i tryed to do request getObservation using parameter 
/&procedure=urn:ogc:def:procedure/:XXX SOS don't recognize any procedure.
     How can i do to enable a procedure name in mafile configuration?

2º.- when i tryed to do a request getObservation using 
&eventtime=2014-01-01T00:00:00+01/2014-01-31T00:00:00+01  SOS don't 
recognize this timestamp format
     How must be set the time period to eventTime paramenter?


Miguel A

El 16/06/2014 14:09, Till Adams escribió:
> Dear Miguel,
> it is not clear, where exactly your problem is as you do not tell the 
> list, what is going wrong.
> Did you check the sos-howto documentation-site: 
> http://mapserver.org/ogc/sos_server.html ?
> There are some more definitnions in the mapfile header required.
> Another problem - are you sure, that your DATA-request really delivers 
> some data? For the first step it's always clever to ensure, that the 
> surrounding really works, so you can focus on the main problem, which 
> is configuring the sos-layer.
> Regards, Till
> Am 15.06.2014 20:16, schrieb Miguel-Angel Manso-Callejo (UPM):
>> Dear all,
>> I'm trying to config mapserver to offer through SOS data stored in two
>> tables joined by a view.
>> I'm trying to offer in the first step only one time serial data and i'm
>> using this configuration:
>>    LAYER
>>      NAME "test_sos_layer"
>>      METADATA
>>        "sos_procedure"  "vaporcolumna" ## REQUIRED
>>        "sos_procedure_item" "vap"
>>        "sos_offering_id" "MADR13407S012" ## REQUIRED
>>        "sos_timeitem" "fecha"
>>        "sos_observedproperty_id" "vap"
>>        "sos_observedproperty_name" "Vapor_agua_columna"
>>        "sos_offering_timeextent" "2010/2014"
>>        "sos_describesensor_url"
>> "" ## REQUIRED
>>        "sos_offering_name"    "GPS Station in Madrid 13407S012"
>>      END
>>      TYPE POINT
>>      STATUS ON
>>      CONNECTION "host= port=5432 dbname=example_postgis21
>> user=postgres password=postgres"
>>      DATA "pos, vap from vaporcolumna where id='MADR13407S012' "
>>        "init=epsg:4326"
>>      END
>>      CLASS
>>        NAME "vap"
>>        STYLE
>>          COLOR 255 0 0
>>          SYMBOL "circle"
>>          SIZE 8
>>        END
>>      END
>>    END
>> View have this fields:
>>   Id (pk), pos (geometry), vap (double), fecha (date)
>> Can any one help me informing what i'm doing bad or how must i config in
>> order to do it?
>> Regards,
>> Miguel A.
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