[mapserver-users] About FILTER and FILTERITEM

Robert R. Raiz raizrobert at gmail.com
Wed May 14 22:45:38 PDT 2014

Hello Jukka

The post from stackexchange was mine. It was at the time when I
migrated everything from 5.0 to 6.2 and the docs for 6.2 were not too

I too use FILTEITEM when I want to single out something (like the
roads from Tiger edges); I am using Mapserver for 4 years now and I
still do not have a clear patter to when and why I use Expressions
and/or FILTERITEM. The more it resembles SQL, the better

But your topic here helps a lot. :)
p.s.: sorry if I messed up the mailing-list posting rules. I am very
bad in replying to mailing lists. They always seemed hard to follow
for me :-)

>I started to play with filter and filteritem  because I happened to see this question >http://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/65724/mapserver-6-2-concatenate-attributes-in-filter. I >thought that the idea was odd and unpractical but interesting and I thought it would be fast to test. >It was not but at least it was educational.
>I can do such concatenation simply with Spatialite data by using the layer DATA as
>CONNECTION "\ms4w\apps\states_spl_3.
>DATA "select * from states_view where STATE_NAME||STATE_FIPS='Illinois17'"
>I am ready to believe that such concatenation with FILTER is not possible with the 6.x series. >Other opinions?
>-Jukka Rahkonen-

Raiz Roland Robert

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